
Today a friend and her daughter stopped in for a visit. It was a really nice treat and the girls played well together. They made a mess of the toy room and "wrecked" pictures together on the new easel. They thought that was a pretty fun game and spent a good 10 minutes or so making wrecked pictures. Basically this involved screaming and hitting the paper with their crayons. Quite a sight to see considering they were both dressed up as princesses with dresses, heels, necklaces and tiaras on. Not the behaviour one would expect from a princess, that's for sure. I guess we need to work on etiquette.
I learned something new today. I reminded Calli during her defiant moments today that we were having a "listening day" today. She followed direction very well...oh, did I say very? I meant kinda. I'll have to try this tactic again tomorrow. I might have made a parental breakthrough for our household!
I discovered Marin's 3rd tooth today. This explains her 3 or 4 sleepless nights from last week and her sudden outbreaks of crying during these days as well. Nice to know it wasn't my imagination or something crazy like that.

Adam had a big interview today. We are crossing our fingers for him...although he isn't supposed to find out for another 3-4 weeks if he has a chance at this job. We would have to move across the country. We'll just cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm not leaving the ocean until I absolutely have to.
He's off for 3 days this weekend...I'm not sure when he's had that much time off in the last few months. To go further with that thought...I'm not sure what we are going to do with him in the house for that long! I'm used to a day here and there, but 3...in a row?
Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting than today. At least when Calli is acting up I have more to write about!! I just can't win.
