What is the Sun?
The day didn't start out too bad, weather-wise...but it progressively became terrible. And as it happened, I knew we had to go to town for a few things. When we were getting ready to go, it started sprinkling, then by the time we were out the door it was raining. We went to the bank and I was hoping to make it quick by carrying Marin and holding Calli's hand, but Marin fell asleep on the 3 minute drive there. I had no choice but to haul her and her car seat into the bank. Without weight in my other hand, it is very hard to look comfortable. At least when I'm carrying 8 grocery bags in one hand and 8 in the other, I'm balanced and can manage to retain a normal look on my face. But while heaving a 20 lb package on one arm and merely holding the hand of the 25 lb'er, who I might add was eager for me to RUN in to the bank and get out of the rain, it is hard to stay composed. Everyone looks at me with pity or the "been there, done that" look. On the upside, people tend to open or hold doors for me and I regularly hear "oh, it looks like you've got your hands full!!" What gave it away? The sweat running down my face, even though it's cold and raining? Or the fact that both hands ARE full? With waiting in line inside the bank, I'd managed to cool off enough to make it back out to the car. So the whole thing started again...once I had the girls loaded into the car with seat belts hooked up, a man shouts "Excuse me!!" just as I'm about to close my own door. Yes? "You forgot something in there?? Maybe a camera or something? I gave it to the teller!" "Thanks!" I shout. Now what do I do? Unload them both and go back in? Or leave them in the car and make a run for it myself? I'm already hot and sweaty...so either way it's not going to matter. So I tell Calli to wait with her sister and that I'll be right back. I lock the door and RUN like I'm in the Olympics back in to the bank. The teller I went to before is no longer there...panic stations!!!!!!!!!! I eventually get my camera back and haul @$$ back to the car, where the kids are sitting quietly and composed ready for the next stop! If only they knew....
Calli had her Barbies doing boot camp this morning! Thought that was interesting! Looks like the one closest to us is having some problems keeping up! Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Leif, the boy Barbie beside her is 1/2 naked!!??
Calli had her Barbies doing boot camp this morning! Thought that was interesting! Looks like the one closest to us is having some problems keeping up! Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Leif, the boy Barbie beside her is 1/2 naked!!??
