Tummy Time

We found out today that when Calli has her Barbies positioned in the push-up pose, they are just practicing tummy time! I guess after having Marin do it every day, she is perhaps hoping that her Barbies will start crawling too? Who knows??!! Even though Calli is still suffering with her cold, she was much better today. She was reasonable and much easier to deal with than she's been over the last few days! She didn't fight us about cleaning up her toys...well, she didn't fight us for long. We still had to bribe her a little bit, but she did most of it without too much of a struggle. Sure makes it nice for us in the evenings!
I think Marin is possibly pushing more teeth?! She just wasn't herself today. Poor little pumpkin...I'm surprised she has any tears or voice left in her!
We took down our old bed and set up the new one Adam built. It sure makes a big difference in our room. The old bed was really high and was natural wood. Adam really likes to find wood with interesting grains and showcases the natural flaws in the things he builds as much as he can. Our new bed is different in that it is a platform bed and we painted it, so it didn't matter too much what the wood looked like when we bought it. Adam still struggled with inspecting the beautiful grain and knowing he would be painting over top of it, but the bed looks great. It adds a completely different dynamic to our room. We had to re-arrange a few things upstairs and when it is completely done, I'll include a picture.
Today I have a picture of tummy-time with the girls and their Barbies and the other one is the 2 of them peeking out through the footboard of our old bed. We are looking forward to the first night in our new bed and a night without a raging storm rattling the crap our of our house!