Essential Memory

I awoke with a wave of fear rushing over me. I'd left a mug of hot water with a few drops of Essential Oils by Calli's bed lastnight. I could hear her on the monitor when she woke up and wasn't sure if she was having a difficult time breathing, or if she was actually drinking the mug of now cold water. I heard her get out of bed and start up the stairs to come and see me...well, I know she was actually coming to find Adam (I'm totally side-lined when he's at home), so I told her that I thought he was on the couch and she could wake him up there. She RAN in to the living room to check it out and sure enough there he was on the couch where I'd left him lastnight before I went up to bed. ( "I'll be up in a minute," he'd said.) I heard them talking about the mug of water and she told him (lied) that she hadn't had any of it.
I came down shortly thereafter with Marin and headed straight for the mug. There was a little less in there, but it was still pretty full, so I knew she hadn't had much. I asked her if she'd had any and she told me she'd tried but she coughed it all up. Where? "All over my floor and in my bed, on the sheets." Ok. I felt my tummy do some flips while I pondered what to do from there. I checked my Aromatherapy books, searched online for information and finally phoned my "inside contact," and left a message for him to call me back. In the meantime I just gave her a glass of milk and monitored her condition. She was fine.
It is safe to ingest essential oils in extreme moderation and only certain ones at that. Once my insider called back and calmed my fears further, I was ready to contend with the remainder of our day. It was once again a beautiful, sunshiney, blue skied day. Adam took the girls out for an hour so I could do some housework and when they returned we went out for a walk. We got in some good hill climbing, even though we were both pushing a stroller each! It was a brisk air out there today though. It certainly felt like a winters day...even for here!!

We played My Little Pony Memory cards tonight before bed and it seems Calli's tactic has changed. She no longer cleans up on her matches right off the bat. She lets Adam and I get a few pairs ahead of her now, and then begins matching like it's nobody's business. It's amazing!! She thinks it's really funny to say "I'm going to clean up the board now!!" But not so funny for us when she really does. Pretty neat to watch, but seriously...I need some private practice time I think!!
That couch must be comfortable!!