Discovering the Kirby!

Adam got suckered in to having someone come in and clean a carpet in our house! I couldn't believe it! So today among all the other things we had to do, Lee came and gave us a demo with the Kirby G Series vacuum! Holy Crap! That thing is amazing. It has some patented technology that has been part of the vacuum since it was manufactured in 1914 and it sucked more crap out of my carpet than I thought was possible! I like to keep the carpet in my playroom VERY clean for obvious reasons and I thought I was doing a pretty good job. According to what he showed us on the black pieces of cloth he used in place of a bag...I am doing well...but it is impossible for any regular vacuum to get all the dust from inside the carpet bristles. After the amazing vacuuming demonstration he went through all the attachments with us and explained each one. Once he got to the part about being able to carry the whole attachment carrying box on your back a la Ghostbusters, I was sold!!! How cool would that be? There I am...vacuuming pieces of Cheerios, chips, noodles, macaroni, cracker or toast crumbs, when suddenly in the sunlight I spot..................a cobweb!!! I reach up over my right shoulder to grab a piece of hard plastic tubing and the amazing 360 degree swivel head, attach them with a quick push and twist (no nasty buttons to push to attach or release these attachments - all my fingernails will remain intact) and ShAZAAm!!! Cobweb obliterated! Then he explained the shampooing end of things and all the things you could shampoo, not limited merely to carpets and upholstery, The Kirby G can shampoo matresses and pillows too!! All the dust mites and their poop that lie inside our matresses and pillows have no chance against the Kirby!!
At the end of the demo, I knew it wasn't going to be a cheap vacuum, but neither Adam nor I expected it to be $2300.00!!!!!! After politely explaining that there was "no chance in hell," that we could pay such a price for a vacuum and thinking we would have to justify sleeping in dust mite poop for the rest of our lives (NO store sells the Kirby vacuums, you have to buy them right then and there) Lee somehow managed to scribble $1400 on to the proposal page with a $0 down $70/month payment plan. I know in my head, I was going over all the things I could sell in order to get this gorgeous piece of metal...but in the end we had to decline. "It's just not financially possible at this time." Adam could see the disappointment in my face but he was determined not to give in! And right he was in his stand! So that was the end of that!
My super tough husband saved us from further debt. We are now hoping in 3 to 7 years the Kirby salesman will come knocking on our door again and we'll be better prepared. For now, we are to pass on the word about how amazing this machine is and to encourage anyone who has a chance to experience the demo to do so!!! It's WELL worth it!

Speaking of super tough...Here is a picture of Adam and his "python" and how prepared he is for his morning routine! I think it's lovely that he's so prepared!
