The Incredible Sulk

Apparently Calli woke up early this morning around 3am to ask if she could see her new easel yet! We told her before bed lastnight that we'd set it all up and she would see it in the morning...I guess she was dreaming about it. It was ALL she's ever wanted, right? She came up to see me and Marin around 7:30am and REALLY wanted me to give her some crayons to get drawing with, so it was time to get up. I managed to find her chalk too and she promptly broke each piece, laughing while doing so!! Then she wanted to throw them all out because they were broken. I think her chalk drawing is pretty inspiring! I can only hope this photo gives the drawing the justice it deserves. I can see this up in a gallery somewhere!! She has never drawn like that before, so I hope to see some amazing things coming from the easel.

We went down by the ocean today to see if there were any sea lions hanging around. There are these HUGE old ships parked by the mill here that are used as a breakwater. They are known as "the Hulks."

Each ship has a story of what it was used for back in the day, and they are now filled with cement I believe. (I should read up on my local history again...bad me.) I just find them so eerie and mysterious. I know the town has this great dedication site set up for them and touches on how/who each ship worked for, but I just think there is so much more to the story and they are amazing. The sea lions usually hang out on the partial rock breakwater where the little tugs work, but there were logging trucks etc working in the pond, so there were no animals around. I haven't actually seen them in a while... hmmmm.

I'm equally intrigued by the look of the mill. When I look at it I feel like I'm living in the 40's or 50's. The colour is so odd and there are old buildings in various colours of mint green or rotten old grey or even rusted out metal ones scattered around the industrial area. The only things telling you what era you are living in when you visit the mill area are the cars and trucks and perhaps the new name of the mill...Catalyst. It seems a pretty up to date name, but it seems very out of place with it's fancy sign juxtaposed against the backdrop of the old yellow mill with the orange and white smoke stack.

I think Marin is getting sick. She slept all night finally...after 2 or 3 interrupted nights...what am I complaining about? She was in a pretty good mood for being sick. I think she's figured out waving. I've been practicing with her for a few weeks, but it was really neat to see her wave goodnight to Adam and Calli the other night. And she waves Hello in the morning and then gets all shy and tucks her head into my shoulder. SO cute!!

Calli was in a pretty challenging mood again today, but she's pushing her limits to the next level...or are they my limits? Normally if I tell her to do something, she'll protest with "But I was just..." and then she'll carry on with what I told her to do. Today, she took it further after I told her to put some toys away, by saying "But I want them here." And instead of doing what she was told after I reminded her what I'd asked her to do, she just put them where she wanted them. Flat out ignoring me!! I was shocked into silence...did this just happen? So we were having quite a battle tonight. Everything from not cleaning up to eating supper to asking her to hand me Marins' towel after her bath and Calli putting the towel into the tub for me...while the tub was full of crying like it was the end of the world because she WANTED a book before bed. Well I wanted your toys cleaned up and your supper eaten and a dry towel etc....
When we were chatting before bed tonight about how I hoped she would be a good girl tomorrow and how sad it makes me when she doesn't listen to me, she said "Hugs and kisses will make you better." So as we were hugging she was patting me on the back saying "There, there, Mommy. There there."

What a turkey.
Those ships are known as the Great Hulks of Powell River, some are actual concrete ships, all are chained together and anchored to cement blocks 150 feet below, apparently some large octopi occupy the reefs that have grown around them! Maybe that is why the sea lions are not around lately?
Food for thought, I read this plaque today while I was shopping, puts things back into perspective:
"a mother holds her children's hands for just a little while, but their hearts forever!"