Tonight while brushing Callis' teeth, I heard her say 'shit' under her breath while talking to her Polly Pockets. I asked her what she'd said and she didn't really want to tell me, but when I told her we wouldn't be mad she just came right out with it and told us. We went through the whole lesson of not saying things we know we shouldn't be saying. Adam reminded her that we would wash her mouth out with soap..."Do you remember how gross that was?" "Yes, that was when I said a different bad word. That's when I said bitch!" Yes, Calli. That's right. We asked her to apologize. She said "Sorry Mom and Dad for saying Shit." Thank you. So how far have we come? I think she understands...but the whole concept is still a bit beyond her. We'll just keep at it.

Adam mowed the lawn today. It still seems so funny that it can be February and we are able to start on gardens or clean up the yard. I miss the snow in winter, but I'm happy to be able to enjoy it up on the mountains...across the Straight!!!
We made some cookies this morning. Calli had the choice lastnight of making cookies before bed, that she could eat the next morning, or playing Memory. She chose Memory. So we made the cookies this morning. Of course, all the Polly Pockets had to sit on the counter and watch/help.

Marin took up her usual spot in the Exersaucer to oversee and manage the whole situation....in between screaming matches with herself. She is a vocal girl!!