Water and Teeth

We started off this morning with Callis' last swimming lesson for this "set." The last few weeks have been pretty chilly at the indoor pool. How, you ask? Well, for some brilliant reason, the city decided to renovate the pool building during the winter! So the top 1/3 of the walls surrounding the ENTIRE pool are missing and are covered with plastic that flaps around in the wind and obviously lets in all sorts of weather! According to another swim mom I was chatting with today, I should have been thankful I wasn't at the pool yesterday during the wind storm. She had to bring her older son and said while he was in the pool, she was getting soaked from the rain coming in through the spaces between the plastic "walls," and the spray-on insulation ceiling (if that's what it is) was flying off and falling directly into the pool!! Lovely! When I come with Calli in the mornings, I try and imagine for her sake that the steam coming from the kiddie pool she is about to swim in, is actually coming from the natural hot-spring water they pump in from...the forest? Something like that. It's pretty eerie some mornings, watching the kids swimming in the mist, while the rest of the pool area is completely deserted...too damn cold!!
So Calli has to repeat her Pre-School 1 lessons, so she gets a bit more comfortable in the water. She is uncertain about the feeling she gets when she has to lay on her back with her ears under-water. But she's getting there. I've seen major progress in the last month since she's been going. She is holding her certificate....lucky she doesn't know it says she has to repeat!!

This afternoon was her first dentist appointment! When we walked into the office, Dr Smilie happened to be standing there, and Calli walked right up to him and told him that she had been brushing morning and night so her teeth were sparkly and clean for him to look at! I think the photo sequence I've included is pretty funny! She was great in the chair and let Nicky, the assistant, polish and floss her teeth!! No problem even with the tickling and the weird vacuum sucker thing! She thought it was a giggling matter, and giggled for the whole 7 minutes it took! She played with the office Barbies while waiting for Dr Smilie to come and check her teeth and as you can see, boredom soon set in. She finally laid her head on the arm rest and told me "I'm just going to have a quick snoozie." She was so excited to see the Dr, but he had another patient and I hadn't pre-warned Calli about the possible waiting time unfortunately. Oops. He finally arrived and looked at her teeth, told her they were perfect, gave her a toothbrush and a "prize," and we left! Just like that!
Marin slept through the whole visit. She was in her usual contemplative state today, as you can see from her picture.

Til tomorrow...