On Time!!

We got up and ready, ate breakfast and made it to gymnastics on time today!! We even walked there. If you only knew how close we are to the place where it's held! It's embarrassing to say but...we have been known to drive! If we are running behind or if it's raining, we drive. It is probably more work to drive the short distance than it is to walk. Here's how close we are. If I pull out of my driveway and drive up to the stop sign on my street, I'll pass 4 houses to get to the main road. Then I turn right (on the main road), drive past 3 or 4 more houses and turn left. From there, I park and we walk in to the gymnastics club!! So passing 6 houses altogether...is that a block or less than 1 block? Whatever it is, I always pretend we have other errands to run downtown afterwards. That way I think we have a legitimate excuse for driving. I brain-storm while chasing after Calli on the mats and slides and balance beams, about what we "need" to get downtown or calculate how long it's been since Calli has had a Happy Meal from McDonalds (and if I can justify that!!)...just so we have a reason to drive further once we are in the car. Often we'll just drive out to the Old Townsite and go and see if there are sea lions or anything out there, or to see what new things are happening around town. Check out the beach and see if there are any new boats around...
The ferry was coming in when we were walking home and you can just see the mountains in the background, if you look closely. I'll try and get a better picture one of these days...from down by the water.
