Easely Loved

Calli has been interested in drawing people for a while now. She is quite good at drawing "a guy," and it's been cool to see how her drawing has progressed. For example, the mouths she used to draw were never curved into a smile, they were just straight horizontal lines, but she is now able to make a smiley face. Her detailing is definitely coming along. She is into tracing our hands now, and was trying to get Marin to hold still earlier today, in order to trace her hand...like that was going to happen!!
I am often asked to draw Polly Pockets. I didn't really know how to draw one, so I held it up and drew what I saw (something I've been trying to teach Calli, to draw what she sees, or to colour what she sees - or what is real...as in trees are green...not hot pink). Now when I'm asked to draw the Polly's, I draw each one and then we match them up on the magnetic board, as this picture depicts.
Calli got an easel for Valentines Day from her Granny. It arrived today from Vancouver (via Dad) and I think her reaction was worth every penny!!! Adam walked in the door with the box and when Calli saw the picture on the box her eyes brightened and widened and she ran to the box and hugged it exclaiming "It's JUST what I always wanted!!!" I ended up with tears in my eyes and after Adams' long day at work, and all the stress he's currently dealing with it was JUST what he needed to make his day. Once he had put the box down, Calli grabbed Adam's leg and hugged it and said "Dad, you're the best!!" After trying not to bust out laughing, we told her she should phone Granny right away and thank her for the present. So here she is on the phone with her Granny.

What a kid...after all the drama and tears and time-outs and eye rolling, I find moments where I'm staring at her thinking "How can I love you as much as I do? How is it humanly possible to absolutely LOVE someone like this?" And I am so grateful for the chance to be able to feel this...I know we aren't all so lucky!
She was sure excited about that easel, I loved it when she said "oh Granny you make me so happy" ..now if she just keeps the felts/crayons IN the box and only draws on the easel?????
We must have coffee/tea soon when Calli is feeling good again.