Kawfee Tawk!
Calli and I chatted over her warm milk with cinnamon and nutmeg today. From the pictures you might think we were discussing something really in depth and amazing...with deep thinking towards the end...but I'm sure it was to do with Dad's "surprise" for tomorrow. Valentines Day.

Have you ever tried to tell a 3 year old to keep a secret? The other day we went off to WalMart to buy a few things for a project we were going to do for Valentines Day. Lucky I didn't tell her exactly what the idea was!! When we got home, I told her she wasn't to tell Daddy that we got something for him because we'd tell him on Tuesday. So she made a big charade of walking around the house saying "ssssshhhhhh, don't tell Dad we have a surprise for him." "He's going to be SO surprised, Mommy!" I figured 2 or 3 hours was plenty of time for her to play Barbies or Polly Pockets and forget about the "surprise." So when Adam walked in the door after work that night, she said "Dad, we bought something for you and we hid it!! You're going to be really surprised about it!" I just put my head in my hands and shook my head. Where do I go from here? Adam knew what was going on and eventually decided to pursue it. "Where did you hide my surprise?" "It's up on the shelf by Mommy's desk!! But sssshhhhh, Dad. It's a surprise that you don't know about!!!"
So after last nights struggle with trying to get her to tell us what she'd said and her not wanting to tell us the truth about it...the innocence of youth is still in her somewhere! It's such an interesting thing being a parent and discovering all these little contradictions of youth. On one hand, knowing she can withhold something she knows is bad and on the other hand, being unable to withhold something she knows is exciting and good. I think it makes sense. But it's been 28 years since I was 3!! And I'm beginning to question what makes sense these days!!
This little picture of Marin is so cute! She was in such a sad little state. Callis' rain hat was sitting on the couch and I thought Marin might cheer up with it on her head, but she tried getting the hat off instead. She must have been upset...there is even a real tear! Little muffin....

Have you ever tried to tell a 3 year old to keep a secret? The other day we went off to WalMart to buy a few things for a project we were going to do for Valentines Day. Lucky I didn't tell her exactly what the idea was!! When we got home, I told her she wasn't to tell Daddy that we got something for him because we'd tell him on Tuesday. So she made a big charade of walking around the house saying "ssssshhhhhh, don't tell Dad we have a surprise for him." "He's going to be SO surprised, Mommy!" I figured 2 or 3 hours was plenty of time for her to play Barbies or Polly Pockets and forget about the "surprise." So when Adam walked in the door after work that night, she said "Dad, we bought something for you and we hid it!! You're going to be really surprised about it!" I just put my head in my hands and shook my head. Where do I go from here? Adam knew what was going on and eventually decided to pursue it. "Where did you hide my surprise?" "It's up on the shelf by Mommy's desk!! But sssshhhhh, Dad. It's a surprise that you don't know about!!!"
So after last nights struggle with trying to get her to tell us what she'd said and her not wanting to tell us the truth about it...the innocence of youth is still in her somewhere! It's such an interesting thing being a parent and discovering all these little contradictions of youth. On one hand, knowing she can withhold something she knows is bad and on the other hand, being unable to withhold something she knows is exciting and good. I think it makes sense. But it's been 28 years since I was 3!! And I'm beginning to question what makes sense these days!!
This little picture of Marin is so cute! She was in such a sad little state. Callis' rain hat was sitting on the couch and I thought Marin might cheer up with it on her head, but she tried getting the hat off instead. She must have been upset...there is even a real tear! Little muffin....

love the photo of Marin with a tear... sweetheart!
Happy Valentine's Day xoxox