
I was on the phone this morning while Calli was dressing herself. She came to the play room/computer area to show me that she was done and this was the beautiful image I was graced with!! She picks out her own clothes and dresses herself all the time, so it's often quite interesting with her match-ups. I am constantly reminded by her.."I Loooooovvvveee pink Mom!!" Like I need reminding! I can usually figure that out by the things she wears, the things she would like to buy, the things she eats, the way she organizes her Barbie outfits, the Smarties she must have from the box...
I once again filled her full of tea today and she seems much better. I think we are on the upswing of this thing. Our empty tissue box collection/Polly Pocket swimming pool collection is becoming obsolete, so I think we are under control. Must have been the cookies!?
Marin spends a lot of time rolling around on the play room carpet. She hasn't mastered sitting up or crawling yet, so she gets around by rolling. I'm amazed at how fast she can travel and how easily she finds the hardwood flooring...she likes the feel of it and is often at the edge of the carpet grabbing at the wood. She was in a serious eating mood tonight at supper, as you'll see from the picture here!! I think she might have been looking at me like I was crazy for trying to feed her Corn/Vegetable cereal again!!
