Eye can see clearly now...
I went to the Hairdresser today for a little trim and a little pick-me-up colour. While there, I overheard the other lady in the shop commenting on how itchy her eye transplants were. She had her glasses off while getting her hair done and was trying her hardest not to itch her eyes. Why I have never actually thought about the whole eye transplant thing and all that entails, until today...I do not know. Suddenly I realized that her new eyes have seen an entire life already. They might even have seen the end of a life... She might have had a slightly different colour of blue eyes before...and now she has these beautiful light blue ones. The whole concept is amazing. Adam said he often flies a little red cooler sporting a sticker - "Human Eyes," down to Vancouver. There are many jokes that come out of this whole scenario, of course, but imagine the gift of sight if it were presented to you from a second hand pair of eyes? This world and the things that are possible are incredible.
Adam made this lovely little plate for Calli at lunch today. You just have to do what you have to do to get your kid to eat. It's all in the presentation these days.

Ms Attitude reared her ugly little head again today. It was all in the shaking of the head each time we told her not to do something. Finally I caught her doing it behind Adam's back and away she went for a time out...screaming at the top of her lungs. I'm not sure she even sits down before she starts wailing for someone to come and talk to her.

Marin has now started imitating her sisters screaming fits and also her crying sounds!! Luckily Calli hasn't caught on to this yet! Sometimes if she hurts herself or is crying for whatever reason and I'm holding Marin, Marin will laugh. That gets Calli to stop her crying...but then she begins with "It's not funny, Marin." Over and over and over...like the 7 month old is going to stop laughing!! HA HA!

Calli is still pretty attached to her Ballerina outfit. She has informed almost everyone she talks to that ballet classes made her too tired. She insists on wearing this bodysuit and skirt whenever she can, and today topped it with a beautiful tiara and lei necklace. Then she ran around the house and repeatedly came to Adam, Marin and I asking "Do you like my outfit? Don't you think it's beautiful?" This is a pretty direct quote from the Cinderella movie. She even has the voice down and the little run...and she holds out the skirt to display it...just as Cinderella does. Crazy kid.

We had to get a few things at the grocery store the other night and Calli saw the first star of the night and asked if she could wish on it. I rolled down her window (superstition) and let her make a wish. I helped her through the first bit. "Star light, Star brigh, first star I see tonight..." When it came time for her wish though, I told her to do it quietly in her head otherwise it won't come true. So it was quiet in the car for about 3 seconds before I heard her say "I wish for a motorbike and a surfboard next Christmas." Where she comes up with this stuff I'll never know.
Adam made this lovely little plate for Calli at lunch today. You just have to do what you have to do to get your kid to eat. It's all in the presentation these days.

Ms Attitude reared her ugly little head again today. It was all in the shaking of the head each time we told her not to do something. Finally I caught her doing it behind Adam's back and away she went for a time out...screaming at the top of her lungs. I'm not sure she even sits down before she starts wailing for someone to come and talk to her.

Marin has now started imitating her sisters screaming fits and also her crying sounds!! Luckily Calli hasn't caught on to this yet! Sometimes if she hurts herself or is crying for whatever reason and I'm holding Marin, Marin will laugh. That gets Calli to stop her crying...but then she begins with "It's not funny, Marin." Over and over and over...like the 7 month old is going to stop laughing!! HA HA!

Calli is still pretty attached to her Ballerina outfit. She has informed almost everyone she talks to that ballet classes made her too tired. She insists on wearing this bodysuit and skirt whenever she can, and today topped it with a beautiful tiara and lei necklace. Then she ran around the house and repeatedly came to Adam, Marin and I asking "Do you like my outfit? Don't you think it's beautiful?" This is a pretty direct quote from the Cinderella movie. She even has the voice down and the little run...and she holds out the skirt to display it...just as Cinderella does. Crazy kid.

We had to get a few things at the grocery store the other night and Calli saw the first star of the night and asked if she could wish on it. I rolled down her window (superstition) and let her make a wish. I helped her through the first bit. "Star light, Star brigh, first star I see tonight..." When it came time for her wish though, I told her to do it quietly in her head otherwise it won't come true. So it was quiet in the car for about 3 seconds before I heard her say "I wish for a motorbike and a surfboard next Christmas." Where she comes up with this stuff I'll never know.