Friday Driver
This morning while Calli and I were enjoying our tea and smoothies, the phone rang and we were invited to go out for a drive with a friend and her daughter. We downed our breakfast, threw a comb through our hair...Marin is so much easier to get ready...and loaded ourselves into Brandy's truck when she arrived. Three girls in the back seat, two Moms in the front seat and a dog in the back! We had coffee, snacks and our cameras and we headed off into the back-country. There are a TON of lakes around here all surrounded by well used logging and other dirt roads. Every road is called a chain. I think they all link up to each other too. It would be no problem to get lost.

This is a little birds nest we happened to see in the trees lining the side of the road...One small bundle of green among the brown branches. Not sure what kind of bird lives in this nest. It had tiny rocks and a single leaf in it.
The girls did very well in their car seats, singing, talking, snacking and imitating each other. We had them looking for "Easter rabbits" by the end of the trip. That kept them busy. Marin was cranky...I think her newest tooth was pushing itself into the freedom of the open air!!
It was SO nice to be out in the country. I miss going out for drives. Growing up in Chetwynd, back in the day, my family used to hop in our Toyota Corolla station wagon with a lunch and usually our dog, and head out into the bushes for day trips on the weekends. We used to look for animals and just generally explore all the back roads. My Mom and Dad did it regularly even after my brother and I left home...and we used to join them on occasion. I LOVE being out in the trees and the clean beautiful air. It was so crisp out this morning. We got to jump on ice puddles and look for icicles hanging from moss. We talked about when we were kids...and it was cool to see that we did such similar things growing up. Brandy grew up in Bella Coola, so our small town childhoods are quite similar. We came back into town in the afternoon and just hung out at home.

I went out tonight to pick up a package at the airport and at the opposite end of the forest spectrum...took some photos of the ocean and the sunset tonight. I am happy the rain has been so absent us a chance to enjoy the sunsets again. When I went to get a picture, I saw a few cars parked in the lot. Everyone is taking advantage of the weather. It's quite common to see a parking lot full of cars and people sitting and watching the sun go down behind the mountains on the Island. I feel so lucky to live where I am living right now. What a life!!

This ferry is one of 2 leaving from here at regular times during the day. This one travels back and forth to Texada Island.

This is a little birds nest we happened to see in the trees lining the side of the road...One small bundle of green among the brown branches. Not sure what kind of bird lives in this nest. It had tiny rocks and a single leaf in it.
The girls did very well in their car seats, singing, talking, snacking and imitating each other. We had them looking for "Easter rabbits" by the end of the trip. That kept them busy. Marin was cranky...I think her newest tooth was pushing itself into the freedom of the open air!!
It was SO nice to be out in the country. I miss going out for drives. Growing up in Chetwynd, back in the day, my family used to hop in our Toyota Corolla station wagon with a lunch and usually our dog, and head out into the bushes for day trips on the weekends. We used to look for animals and just generally explore all the back roads. My Mom and Dad did it regularly even after my brother and I left home...and we used to join them on occasion. I LOVE being out in the trees and the clean beautiful air. It was so crisp out this morning. We got to jump on ice puddles and look for icicles hanging from moss. We talked about when we were kids...and it was cool to see that we did such similar things growing up. Brandy grew up in Bella Coola, so our small town childhoods are quite similar. We came back into town in the afternoon and just hung out at home.

I went out tonight to pick up a package at the airport and at the opposite end of the forest spectrum...took some photos of the ocean and the sunset tonight. I am happy the rain has been so absent us a chance to enjoy the sunsets again. When I went to get a picture, I saw a few cars parked in the lot. Everyone is taking advantage of the weather. It's quite common to see a parking lot full of cars and people sitting and watching the sun go down behind the mountains on the Island. I feel so lucky to live where I am living right now. What a life!!

This ferry is one of 2 leaving from here at regular times during the day. This one travels back and forth to Texada Island.
Our back roads trip were indeed wonderful, we are so lucky to have such beautiful memories, not everyone is so lucky.