Working Girls
The girls had busy days as well. Calli had to help in any way she could, ending the day with paint on her shirt, dirt on her feet and more knowledge of tools than most 3 year olds her age, I'm sure!
Marin did well considering she could have been in far more trouble than she got into!

Marin is seen here going over the renovations plans with us. She seems to have it all under control with her model home and the instructions are quite clear. "Ga, ba, Mama, Mommomomom, bvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv." Easy!
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We hired some entertainment during dinner tonight. Marin was having her dinner served to her as usual and Calli came in and gave us this show. I'd like to point out that she did all the moves on her own, including the rock and roll hands and the improvised mic stand grab! I wish the sound was better on these movies, but this is the best I can do...sorry.
Marin did well considering she could have been in far more trouble than she got into!

Marin is seen here going over the renovations plans with us. She seems to have it all under control with her model home and the instructions are quite clear. "Ga, ba, Mama, Mommomomom, bvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv." Easy!
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We hired some entertainment during dinner tonight. Marin was having her dinner served to her as usual and Calli came in and gave us this show. I'd like to point out that she did all the moves on her own, including the rock and roll hands and the improvised mic stand grab! I wish the sound was better on these movies, but this is the best I can do...sorry.
