Non-Toxic Bath Tablets RULE!!

Adam made it home a day early today!! We were all very excited to see him after 4 days of being away. But...nobody was more excited than Calli, who commented "Dad, now that you're home, we can play all the things you want to play. Like...Barbies, Polly Pockets, Little People..." I'm sure those were the exact things running through Adam's mind on the flight home this evening! He did end up playing Barbies for a little bit. I think Calli tries to fit in a whole lotta playing when Adam comes home because she knows he's not home for long. While Adam is trying to UN-wind, Calli tends to WIND-up once he gets home. Marin and I just do our own thing until the 2 energies are able to even themselves out. It's better that way.
I found some funky bath fizzy/water colour changing tablets the other day and decided to try them out during tub time tonight. The first colour was pink. Calli wasn't so sure what was going on to start with, but after we told her she was having a Princess Pink bath, she was ok with the whole thing. I don't think Marin even noticed. She was too busy chewing on a tub toy!! (I think she might be getting another bothersome tooth...) After the pink novelty wore off, I added a blue tablet to the mix. Calli is totally into mixing colours right now to see what they become, so she was thrilled to see her bath turn "VIOLET, Mom and Dad!!!" Adam was told very firmly that the colour was NOT was indeed violet. She certainly put him in his place!!
Their skin remained the colour it was supposed to be and they both came out with their natural hair colours as we are assured the tablets are really safe and non-toxic, just like the label said. I will have to make sure the container of tablets is WAY out of reach because I can just imagine the disasters Calli could create in the bathroom. She already spends a lot of time with the sink water running and making a perfect O shape with her fingers and having the water run right through the center of her O. I've tried explaining what might happen if she wastes all this water, but I don't think quite gets that....kind of like the "You should be lucky you even get to have ANY food for supper. There are starving kids all over the world...Now eat your Kraft Dinner!!" argument. WAY OVER HER HEAD!!