Lunch, Dad and Sister

I made a fun lunch today. I created cucumber chain links for Calli. She loved them! I'll have to work at making the links a bit longer for even more fun! Also included are a few Hint of Lime chips (which I bought to accompany the organic mango salsa I made today), some honey ham and some carrot sticks with dip. She ate the whole lunch! Lately she gets "too tired" to finish lunch and goes for a quiet time instead...but today she ate it all!
Today was Adam's last day. Thank goodness he came home today. Calli had a melt-down this afternoon when we were snuggle-snoozing on the couch together. She was crying for him like he was never coming back. We left him a message on his cell phone, but she still couldn't stop crying. "I'm just so sad, Mommy. I miss my Dad....I just can't stop crying." And she really couldn't. I didn't know what to do. She wanted her Dad. I tried reassuring her and explaining to her that he'd be coming home tonight and we'd be able to pick him up after supper, but it wasn't enough for her today. It concerns me because he's going to be so busy over the next 5 weeks or so. I hope she'll be ok. I'll have to keep her really busy and distracted I guess. It's tough missing your Dad. Nobody is good enough when all you want is him.

Marin was pooped out this morning and ready for her nap at 11am. She slept through all Calli's crying and woke up rearing to go!

She likes to cruise around the house and follows her sister to get into whatever she might be playing with at that time. This annoys Calli immensely. She gets up and walks away, only to be followed again. Luckily, Calli's anger is short-lived. Pretty soon she starts giggling and playing with Marin even though they are having a tug-of-war over the toys.

How could this little face cause such trouble?
We got the carpet for the porch/boot room, so I'll be able to clean up my house tomorrow once that is installed. We'll grout the tiles tomorrow morning and get the stove back in it's spot as well. Then we just have to wait for someone to come and paint the ceilings that need work and we're done. Did I make it sound that simple? Knock on wood, it is!!