3 Things needed for a Good Life...Good Friends, Good Food and Good Song
Marin is living the good life. She sees everything through her rose-coloured glasses. Lucky girl!!

This morning we said Goodbye to our company! Our friends Jason and Chelsea came up for a visit for a few days. We are used to having our families come up, but were quite tickled to have friends make the journey (2nd visit, by the way...)!! Calli tired them right out playing all day long and was quite lethargic on the couch after waving to them after they left this morning. :(
Poor little pumpkin. She asked "Who will play with me?" Then she carried on with "nursing her teddies and reading quietly."

Yes, that is her with her nightie pulled up...nursing her blue frog/alien teddy... Apparently she has forgotten what she does on a regular basis without people here all the time!
Yesterday we bundled up and headed out for a walk down by the ocean.

Calli was not that grouchy. She is just sick of me taking her picture all the time.

It will be nice to have our new stroller soon and to be able to put both girls in the stroller for a walk instead of the way we operate right now...although I think it's probably easier to walk up the hills with a baby in the backpack, than it will be to push a double stroller up the hills!! I WILL persevere!!

We were spoiled with a fantastic dinner and dessert lastnight, made by Jason! It's great to have company who cooks supper for you in your own house! We considered asking them to move in...but they left. Adam had to bust out the 1 litre beer steins we bought in Germany. He's waited a LONG time to use them. There are no holds barred in this house for friends who come up here!! Ha Ha!!
We had a really nice visit. Thanks Jason and Chelsea for making the journey up here!! We love you and miss you!

This morning we said Goodbye to our company! Our friends Jason and Chelsea came up for a visit for a few days. We are used to having our families come up, but were quite tickled to have friends make the journey (2nd visit, by the way...)!! Calli tired them right out playing all day long and was quite lethargic on the couch after waving to them after they left this morning. :(
Poor little pumpkin. She asked "Who will play with me?" Then she carried on with "nursing her teddies and reading quietly."

Yes, that is her with her nightie pulled up...nursing her blue frog/alien teddy... Apparently she has forgotten what she does on a regular basis without people here all the time!
Yesterday we bundled up and headed out for a walk down by the ocean.

Calli was not that grouchy. She is just sick of me taking her picture all the time.

It will be nice to have our new stroller soon and to be able to put both girls in the stroller for a walk instead of the way we operate right now...although I think it's probably easier to walk up the hills with a baby in the backpack, than it will be to push a double stroller up the hills!! I WILL persevere!!

We were spoiled with a fantastic dinner and dessert lastnight, made by Jason! It's great to have company who cooks supper for you in your own house! We considered asking them to move in...but they left. Adam had to bust out the 1 litre beer steins we bought in Germany. He's waited a LONG time to use them. There are no holds barred in this house for friends who come up here!! Ha Ha!!

We had a really nice visit. Thanks Jason and Chelsea for making the journey up here!! We love you and miss you!