Up On Further...Reflection.

I know some people will be waiting with eager anticipation to hear how my first night without my baby in my room went. Ok, not really...but I'll tell you anyway. It was fine. She woke up a bit earlier than usual at 0530, but when I brought her up to my bed, she slept for another 2 hours until her big sister woke us both up! Funny how that happens. It was harder on me than on her. I think I was waking at every little noise she made and I remember being awake a few times in the night, so she must have made more noise than I was used to. Who knows. Tonight is a new night.
Without jinxing myself, I think we are finally in a bit of a routine! Marin has been having 2 hour naps each afternoon for the last few days! YAY! It even works out that Calli has "quiet time" at the same time, so I in turn have been able to have some sleep as well! Amazing. I never thought the day would come. I knock on wood that it will continue for a while just so I can be selfish and catch up on my own sleep!
I'm hoping for the new stroller to be in tomorrow. I'm sure I'm pushing my luck, but it'd be nice to have it this weekend so I can get out and get a walk in as part of our routine as well. It would be nice to add on to my selfishness. We could walk in the morning, come home for lunch, head off for our naps and then spend the afternoon playing together! Hmmm...I think I will discuss this with the girls tomorrow and make sure they understand the importance of this. It's time for a little ME time! My birthday IS only once a year...I'm feeling left out.
I'm finding it amazing how much I give in to my 3 year old and her 'wants.' If she wants something in particular for her breakfast she tends to get it...(her Dad is the REAL pushover), if we are in the car and she wants a certain song played, she gets that song played. Sometimes it is easier to give in than to fight. But I catch myself later, upon reflection, realizing just how many things I give in to. If I'm on the phone and she has something to tell me, I'll stop and listen. Usually this is just a rundown of how she will be changing into her Princess clothes or what she is planning on drawing next... I could have a long distance call from Timbuktu, where a friend is using their last quarter to call me for a limited, timed phone call and I think I would still end up stopping to listen to what Calli is telling me. How can someone so little demand so much of me? Where does she learn this stuff? She is too young to understand "Don't interrupt me on the phone unless the house is on fire, or there is some REAL emergency." But she is old enough to understand that she can use her polite manners and say "Excuse me Mommy..." and carry on and tell me whatever I "need" to hear and that I will listen. Quite the imbalance. Quite the learning process.
I'm including another favourite photo of mine from my last trip to Tofino. The reflection of the near absent sun on the little stream was inspiring. This was one of the colder days we had on the beach...but it was lovely!!