Does it come in Pink?
Calli found a new comfy hide-out today. Marin joined her for about 1/2 a second. Then it wasn't fun any more and she broke out into a full out rage about it all.
So it was a beautiful sunny day here again....all the snow melted away...the garden center at Wal-Mart is open again...It must be getting nearer to being spring!! We hooked Marin up in the backpack and bundled Calli up into the stroller and walked down to the Sports Store. We have been deliberating over double strollers for a few weeks now. I've done some research and asked some random people with doubles and singles what they thought of their own strollers (had quite a lengthy conversation with a girl on the beach the other day!!) and decided to go with the Baby Jogger double stroller. I hope this will be the right decision for us. I desperately need a mode of transport for both kids and the Chariot doesn't seem to fold up quite as small as this Baby Jogger...which takes up less room than the current one kid stroller I have right now. I guess time will tell. If I have to sell it eventually...I will.
We then went for a little visit to Wal-Mart for a bib. $100 does that happen? Granny decided to replace Calli's foam Princess chair for her. It seems our cats have taken quite a liking to the old chair. They sit in it and "pad" and purr and sleep in it for hours and beds don't apply in our house. Human beds/chairs will do just fine thank you very much. The foam chair is completely shredded under the cover so it was time for a new one. I fully thought that Calli would choose the blue Cinderella chair, but pink won out again!!! I think it could have had a picture of Gremlins on it and she still would have chosen pink. Luckily it has Max and Ruby on it. She was very insistent. We've only been told a million times that pink is her favourite colour. She chose her own clothes this morning...EVERYTHING was pink in one shade or another.
We headed out for dinner afterwards and decided that dinner is a bit ambitious for our family at this point. Marin is still teething and really not getting the sleep she needs in a day, so she was extra cranky at supper and caused quite a ruckus...Not even the new Pollys that Calli got could keep her quiet. Luckily the waiter seated us away from the main dining area...he must have been anticipating a problem.
I noticed the difference between servers with kids and servers without kids has become more apparent lately. We had an amazing server out in Tofino. I ordered some soup for Calli and this lady brought a cup of ice cubes to go along with the soup!! It's always the little things that make the difference. I've had a few cases where the server has brought a hot cloth out after our meal was done - to wipe Calli's face off!! Then there are the ones who hardly acknowledge we have a child and will skip her when taking our order or not bring a side plate if we are know what I mean? All mothers seem to think like mothers with or without their kids around. Makes lunching/dining that much nicer/easier for me!!
Granny has mastered playing Polly Pockets during the last week or so. She can even do it laying down after a hard day!! Horsie, our cat, was supervising the playing. She's good at that.

So it was a beautiful sunny day here again....all the snow melted away...the garden center at Wal-Mart is open again...It must be getting nearer to being spring!! We hooked Marin up in the backpack and bundled Calli up into the stroller and walked down to the Sports Store. We have been deliberating over double strollers for a few weeks now. I've done some research and asked some random people with doubles and singles what they thought of their own strollers (had quite a lengthy conversation with a girl on the beach the other day!!) and decided to go with the Baby Jogger double stroller. I hope this will be the right decision for us. I desperately need a mode of transport for both kids and the Chariot doesn't seem to fold up quite as small as this Baby Jogger...which takes up less room than the current one kid stroller I have right now. I guess time will tell. If I have to sell it eventually...I will.
We then went for a little visit to Wal-Mart for a bib. $100 does that happen? Granny decided to replace Calli's foam Princess chair for her. It seems our cats have taken quite a liking to the old chair. They sit in it and "pad" and purr and sleep in it for hours and beds don't apply in our house. Human beds/chairs will do just fine thank you very much. The foam chair is completely shredded under the cover so it was time for a new one. I fully thought that Calli would choose the blue Cinderella chair, but pink won out again!!! I think it could have had a picture of Gremlins on it and she still would have chosen pink. Luckily it has Max and Ruby on it. She was very insistent. We've only been told a million times that pink is her favourite colour. She chose her own clothes this morning...EVERYTHING was pink in one shade or another.
We headed out for dinner afterwards and decided that dinner is a bit ambitious for our family at this point. Marin is still teething and really not getting the sleep she needs in a day, so she was extra cranky at supper and caused quite a ruckus...Not even the new Pollys that Calli got could keep her quiet. Luckily the waiter seated us away from the main dining area...he must have been anticipating a problem.
I noticed the difference between servers with kids and servers without kids has become more apparent lately. We had an amazing server out in Tofino. I ordered some soup for Calli and this lady brought a cup of ice cubes to go along with the soup!! It's always the little things that make the difference. I've had a few cases where the server has brought a hot cloth out after our meal was done - to wipe Calli's face off!! Then there are the ones who hardly acknowledge we have a child and will skip her when taking our order or not bring a side plate if we are know what I mean? All mothers seem to think like mothers with or without their kids around. Makes lunching/dining that much nicer/easier for me!!
Granny has mastered playing Polly Pockets during the last week or so. She can even do it laying down after a hard day!! Horsie, our cat, was supervising the playing. She's good at that.
