...Another door will open...

My pumpkins were enjoying a little play time this morning! Do not ask me how I tame the mane we call Calli's hair! It's quite a sight in the a.m. If I try to comb it for her, she protests and tells me she likes it curly. I then have to explain that I'm planning on making it curly, not frizzy. We really don't battle over it, but I sometimes have to pretend that I'm "Tyra" the hairdresser in order for her to let me touch it.

When I opened the curtains, we discovered what must have been a broken water main. There were city trucks all over the place and a steady stream of water gushing down the street. There was no water gushing from my taps for an hour or so after we got up...luckily we didn't need more than we already had hanging around.
Then the phone rang and....our lives changed today! Adam was offered a job with Air Canada Jazz this morning. As many of you know, over the last few weeks he has completed an interview, a simulator session and a medical. He has had to pass and be invited to do each of these segments in order to get where he got today!! It's really very exciting. He begins a 5 week training course at the beginning of April. He'll begin in Toronto and will find out when he's there, where we will end up living and which plane he will end up flying.
To celebrate, he took us all out for lunch today! It was a gorgeous day, so we decided to drive to the end of the Highway and see what we could find to eat. The first 2 places we tried were closed so Nancys Bakery was our last resort...but as usual, it was well worth it! Doesn't he look all professional and smart!!

We enjoyed a lovely little lunch and dessert outside in the sunshine and then headed down to the docks for a look at the boats, and to see if we could see any sea stars in the water...There were LOTS.

I love the way Calli is now a professional at striking a pose for her photographs! She's finally getting the hang of it. Uncle Colin predicted she might end up a model with all the photos I've taken of her... You'll see she also bundled up her Care Bear baby to come along for the trip as well. Very thoughtful "mother."

Adam decided we shouldn't cook tonight for supper either, so we ordered sushi in for dinner. Calli won't eat everything we get, but we can trick her in to a few things. Marin enjoyed her Corn and Vegetable cereal and her Sweet Potatoes, which she eats with gusto! You can barely shovel them in fast enough! Same with the pureed blueberries she has for dessert. I know I go on and on about her teeth...but I think she's getting another one already. Poor little plum...so close to the last one. It will be number 5 that's coming in. She was up at 0430 this morning, so I have a feeling there might be more sleepless nights to come. Poor me.

the bakery looks good too!!!