Where Am I?
It feels like we won the lottery or something! Thanks to everyone for all your lovely phone calls and emails of congratulations for Adam. When I woke up this morning it seemed like I had dreamt the whole thing! Could have been the groggy state I was in from only having 3 hours of sleep (Marin was up)!! But even after the additional 2 hours of sleep, it still seemed pretty surreal...until the phone wouldn't stop ringing and the emails wouldn't stop coming in! It makes it much more real when all your family and friends are SO 100% behind you and excited for you!
It's amazing that even though we have NO idea what lays ahead for us, people are still so excited! Adam just thinks it's another day. But he's like that. Inside he's totally thrilled! I think he's looking a little too forward to wearing that hat! He'll look like he belongs to a real "airline" now! Just like in the movies! It'll be like the cowboy hat jokes, where one wonders if he'll be taking it off even when he showers or when he's in bed!
Calli informed us that she doesn't want to move. She doesn't want to go anywhere. She already misses Emma and Sarina, so she doesn't want to leave. Then we told her we would be moving into a new house just like her friends did and she said "OK!!!" I guess we'll have to work on this one a bit. Get her to understand that just because we are moving, doesn't mean that we will end up in the same town as her old friends. SO confusing for a 3 year old. Yet, she asked me today 'Mommy, what does an attitude mean?" I keep telling her not to use her attitude...
We bundled up and braved the cold late this afternoon to pick up some tropical fruit from the grocery store. We came home with bananas and pineapple in the blazing cold wind. (Is blazing able to describe a cold wind? Oh well.) Marin put on a brave little face in the wind, but Calli was unwilling to participate in a photo for today and well...you see the result here.

Marin has figured out crawling (for real) now. She picked it up (for sure) yesterday. She seems to think she is a dog of some sort and is now found traversing around the house with various little objects in her mouth. This particular picture shows a sock in her mouth.

Yes, she is in her Dad's arms...so she carries things around in this manner at any time of the day really... Changing her is QUITE a challenge and tonight when I was trying to get her pj's on, she flipped over on the change table, without her diaper on yet...sporting only her undershirt...decided to crawl, while carrying her toothbrush in her mouth. No need for hands here!! She's a multi-tasker at only 7 months old!! WOW!
It's amazing that even though we have NO idea what lays ahead for us, people are still so excited! Adam just thinks it's another day. But he's like that. Inside he's totally thrilled! I think he's looking a little too forward to wearing that hat! He'll look like he belongs to a real "airline" now! Just like in the movies! It'll be like the cowboy hat jokes, where one wonders if he'll be taking it off even when he showers or when he's in bed!
Calli informed us that she doesn't want to move. She doesn't want to go anywhere. She already misses Emma and Sarina, so she doesn't want to leave. Then we told her we would be moving into a new house just like her friends did and she said "OK!!!" I guess we'll have to work on this one a bit. Get her to understand that just because we are moving, doesn't mean that we will end up in the same town as her old friends. SO confusing for a 3 year old. Yet, she asked me today 'Mommy, what does an attitude mean?" I keep telling her not to use her attitude...
We bundled up and braved the cold late this afternoon to pick up some tropical fruit from the grocery store. We came home with bananas and pineapple in the blazing cold wind. (Is blazing able to describe a cold wind? Oh well.) Marin put on a brave little face in the wind, but Calli was unwilling to participate in a photo for today and well...you see the result here.

Marin has figured out crawling (for real) now. She picked it up (for sure) yesterday. She seems to think she is a dog of some sort and is now found traversing around the house with various little objects in her mouth. This particular picture shows a sock in her mouth.

Yes, she is in her Dad's arms...so she carries things around in this manner at any time of the day really... Changing her is QUITE a challenge and tonight when I was trying to get her pj's on, she flipped over on the change table, without her diaper on yet...sporting only her undershirt...decided to crawl, while carrying her toothbrush in her mouth. No need for hands here!! She's a multi-tasker at only 7 months old!! WOW!