Spring in my step

We've decided to get moving on with a few minor things in preparation for selling our house and moving...??? We had a realtor in this morning who went through the house with us and suggested 4 minor renovations to be done before we list the house. There is only one other house in our area that is in remotely the same ball-park, price/size-wise, so we are in a really good position for selling right now.
We packed up the kids and headed downtown to get some supplies for our renos. Marin fell asleep right away and Calli could only talk about going to the hairdresser! Adam was going to get his hair cut and had told Calli she could go with him for his appointment. We soon found out she was only in it for the lollipop! I guess she remembered from last time she went with him. When I went in to pick the two of them up, Calli had sparkles in her hair and lollipop on her shirt. She was mad at Adam because he'd told her she was only allowed one lollipop...Her face made it clear how unacceptable she thought that little rule was!

We headed back up the hill afterwards and came across this beautiful little field of crocuses and tiny blue flowers. Such a nice reminder of Spring being on it's way. A time for change...new beginnings...

Adam took Calli out to the field for a bit before supper to play a bit of soccer. Looks like she might be able to Bend it like Beckham!

Here she is waiting on the sidelines, ready to sub in! Looks to me like she has some kind of strategy in mind!

Or perhaps she's just trying to look cute in order to get another lollipop???!! Til tomorrow!!
Hello all....Adam here! I only have three more days of work left at my old job. I am lucky enough to get one night at home with my girls and then it's off to Vancouver for an early morning departure to Toronto. I then start a week long class session to learn all about the new company and how it works. On the 5th we will be receiving our seniority numbers and choosing bases. Once that week is complete, we are all sent home where we'll wait for a phone call to see when groundschool for our chosen aircraft starts. This could end up being a few weeks or a few days before we go back to work. (Don't worry....it's all paid!! ) Then it's 2 weeks of classroom work and 2 weeeks of simulator training. I assume after that it'll be time to carry passengers. So.....if I seem to disappear off the radar for a while, that is what I am going to be doing. Bye for now.