Wanted: A Home
Heres our mischief-filled, noisy, blue-eyed wonder girl!! Careful not to stare directly in her eyes...they tend to suck you in and you'll end up entranced by her for hours on end!!

Tomorrow is the beginning of my house hunting trip! The girls and I will meet up with Granny and Adam tomorrow, then it's off to Montreal on Wednesday, where we'll meet up with Grandma. We've viewed and reviewed MANY listings of different houses in MANY areas and have narrowed the field to about 25 houses to be seen over the next 4 or 5 days.
It all still seems pretty surreal to me. I think once I'm out of here and on the plane to the city, it'll be more real. It seems like all the phoning and time I've spent on the Internet getting organized could have been for anything...it's not all clicking into place. Probably because I've never been to Montreal, I don't know what to expect once I get there. I used to be able to "picture" things in my mind and I would have an expectation of how things might be, but I can't seem to do that this time. I don't know where we'll be living or what the city will look like or how it's going to sound or how we're going to fit in. Everyone has had something to say about Montreal when they were there and what they've heard or what they loved...but nothing is giving me any clear picture of what it'll be like for us.
I suppose it's good because we'll be able to judge it ourselves and come up with our own first impressions without any outside influence in that sense. I think it'll be a longer lasting first impression this way...The unexpected.
I'm excited, but I'm really struggling with my emotions over leaving PR. Who knew how much a town could rope a person in and cause such attachment issues. Being used to the hellos and friendly chit-chat all over town and seeing the same people over and over again, it's going to be a strange adjustment for a while, getting used to the language change and not knowing anyone. Having to build up these little relationships with random people that keep our lives interesting and somewhat fulfilled. The girls will get to know new "favourite" check-out people at the grocery store and I know Calli is going to enjoy learning French. She was practicing a bit today while she was playing. I think it will come quick for her, as I hope it will for Marin too!!
Well, I should quit procrastinating and thinking and get to bed. I have to finish packing tomorrow and get a few other things organized before we go. So wish me luck and cross your fingers that I find a great house! Preferably with a spare room or two for all the visitors we'll be expecting. PR never seemed all that accessible or much of a vacation destination for anyone other than our familes (and the B's!), so we're hoping Montreal has a bit more appeal somehow. I'll be back in a few....Perhaps with this one???
http://www.lesassocies.com/maison.asp?fiche=MT1106664 (You'll have to copy and paste this to check it out - then click on Album Photo on the right.)
(Kidding Adam don't freak right out......yet.)

Tomorrow is the beginning of my house hunting trip! The girls and I will meet up with Granny and Adam tomorrow, then it's off to Montreal on Wednesday, where we'll meet up with Grandma. We've viewed and reviewed MANY listings of different houses in MANY areas and have narrowed the field to about 25 houses to be seen over the next 4 or 5 days.
It all still seems pretty surreal to me. I think once I'm out of here and on the plane to the city, it'll be more real. It seems like all the phoning and time I've spent on the Internet getting organized could have been for anything...it's not all clicking into place. Probably because I've never been to Montreal, I don't know what to expect once I get there. I used to be able to "picture" things in my mind and I would have an expectation of how things might be, but I can't seem to do that this time. I don't know where we'll be living or what the city will look like or how it's going to sound or how we're going to fit in. Everyone has had something to say about Montreal when they were there and what they've heard or what they loved...but nothing is giving me any clear picture of what it'll be like for us.
I suppose it's good because we'll be able to judge it ourselves and come up with our own first impressions without any outside influence in that sense. I think it'll be a longer lasting first impression this way...The unexpected.
I'm excited, but I'm really struggling with my emotions over leaving PR. Who knew how much a town could rope a person in and cause such attachment issues. Being used to the hellos and friendly chit-chat all over town and seeing the same people over and over again, it's going to be a strange adjustment for a while, getting used to the language change and not knowing anyone. Having to build up these little relationships with random people that keep our lives interesting and somewhat fulfilled. The girls will get to know new "favourite" check-out people at the grocery store and I know Calli is going to enjoy learning French. She was practicing a bit today while she was playing. I think it will come quick for her, as I hope it will for Marin too!!
Well, I should quit procrastinating and thinking and get to bed. I have to finish packing tomorrow and get a few other things organized before we go. So wish me luck and cross your fingers that I find a great house! Preferably with a spare room or two for all the visitors we'll be expecting. PR never seemed all that accessible or much of a vacation destination for anyone other than our familes (and the B's!), so we're hoping Montreal has a bit more appeal somehow. I'll be back in a few....Perhaps with this one???
http://www.lesassocies.com/maison.asp?fiche=MT1106664 (You'll have to copy and paste this to check it out - then click on Album Photo on the right.)
(Kidding Adam don't freak right out......yet.)