Natural Path

I took my lovely girls out for a little nature/sight-seeing walk today. We have the greatest in-town nature trail here. It was especially great today because we saw LOTS of very hungry squirrels out, so Calli was able to call to them to come and get the peanuts she was offering and they came!!!

We saw a beautiful red-headed woodpecker knocking a hole into a tree, and stopped to watch him/her for a bit. I even think Marin was watching! I stopped and showed Calli all the new buds on the bushes, and the first spring flowers all along the trail. I identified all the plants that I could, but was disappointed that I don't know more. I want her to have a really vast knowledge of all the "weeds" we come across outside.

Symplocarpus foetidus (Skunk Cabbage)
Eventually I'll be able to teach her the many uses/benefits of all the "weeds" too!!

There are quite a few spots where water is making it's way down to the ocean. The trail was SO quiet today...except for these little run-offs...It was a perfect walk. Even the ocean was calm enough not to emit much noise from the waves lapping up on shore. We could hear all the birds and squirrels and I would almost bet, if you listened hard enough you could hear new life sprouting in the forest. It was that clear!!

We ran out of peanuts and headed home for our supper. I'll have to remember to stock some fresh peanuts for our next venture down to the beach trail. There is nothing like seeing the look on your childs face when "nature" crosses your path.... Oh, I'm so poetic!
