Mmmm Chocolate.....
Calli spent a lot of yesterday on the couch looking out the window waiting for her Dad, Grandpa, Grandma and Great-Grandpa to arrive. She commented a number of times on how LONG the day was....and how Dad was taking FOREVER to get here! Finally the blue car pulled in to the driveway and the LONG day was fine again! We had a great supper (made by Grandma when she got here) and then surprised Calli with the arrival of her Auntie Gillian! I'm not sure how Calli even got to sleep lastnight. Sure enough, she was up early this morning and on her way to wake Auntie Gillian up to see whether the Easter bunny had been to visit.

Marin was up from 1am - 5am with Adam, so he wasn't quite ready to get up at 7:30 to see if there were Easter treats around. We managed to keep Calli occupied for another 1/2 hour or so until we could get the video camera etc ready. She was very good. She didn't reallize that everything on the kitchen table was for her, and wasn't really in Easter egg search mode either.

Once we told her that there were eggs hidden around the house that the Easter bunny must have dropped on his way out, she was the female version of Sherlock Holmes! She had her little Easter basket and her eyes were peeled for treats! She has always been very observant to little details, so it wasn't surprising that she noticed each and every egg that was hidden. Her basket was full in no time at all, and so was her tummy.
For someone who is not accustomed to having much sugar in her diet, she had a hard time settling down this afternoon. Along with her chocolate high, came the excitement of having people around willing to devote uninterrupted play-time to her. Then there was the matter of how tired she was at lunch time. She was insistent there were carrots in her home-made tomato soup and was unwilling to eat it because of that fact. (There were no carrots.) Then she decided the soup was "full of hair." (There was no hair.) She soon became too tired to eat lunch and only wanted to get down and play. I told her she had to eat more she asked the next person who would listen, if she could get down...after they denied her the freedom of toys, she asked someone else. I finally took her in her room and closed the door and we had a little chat. She couldn't even sit still long enough to look me in the eye. She had too much to do. So Adam and I snuggled up in her bed with her and got her settled down. She ended up napping for a few hours and woke up refreshed and happy again.
Grandma and Auntie Gillian took her down to the park for a bit to burn off some more energy. She went to bed fine tonight with her new pink (of course) glow stick in hand. Before she really concentrated on sleeping, she managed to sneak each of us into her room to see the glowing pink stick. She asked Adam how it could be turned off, not realizing once it's cracked, it's cracked. Grandpa placed it under her pillow for her so it wasn't so bright while she was trying to get to sleep, but she ended up peeking under her pillow at it and commenting on how the Easter bunny would be able to find her house again to bring more treats!!
Marin is having a pretty hard time with her newest tooth (again) and chewed on her fingers or other foreign objects for most of the day. She had a great time visiting with everyone and was in extra cute mode! She got quite vocal this evening though, and shocked her Grandparents at how loud she can scream! These are not long bouts of screaming, but short bursts of "Hello? Could someone please feed me something more?" outbursts. I have no idea how such a sound can come out of an 8 month old! It's quite the thing!
Here she is playing with Auntie Gillian this afternoon.

We hope you all had a fantastic Easter with family or friends. I'll sign off for now. I have about 3kg of chocolate to help Calli eat, so I need to get on with it. I'll leave you with my favourite bunny joke.
Do you know why rabbits don't make noise when they have sex?
Because they have cotton balls.
Tee hee...cotton balls!!

Marin was up from 1am - 5am with Adam, so he wasn't quite ready to get up at 7:30 to see if there were Easter treats around. We managed to keep Calli occupied for another 1/2 hour or so until we could get the video camera etc ready. She was very good. She didn't reallize that everything on the kitchen table was for her, and wasn't really in Easter egg search mode either.

Once we told her that there were eggs hidden around the house that the Easter bunny must have dropped on his way out, she was the female version of Sherlock Holmes! She had her little Easter basket and her eyes were peeled for treats! She has always been very observant to little details, so it wasn't surprising that she noticed each and every egg that was hidden. Her basket was full in no time at all, and so was her tummy.
For someone who is not accustomed to having much sugar in her diet, she had a hard time settling down this afternoon. Along with her chocolate high, came the excitement of having people around willing to devote uninterrupted play-time to her. Then there was the matter of how tired she was at lunch time. She was insistent there were carrots in her home-made tomato soup and was unwilling to eat it because of that fact. (There were no carrots.) Then she decided the soup was "full of hair." (There was no hair.) She soon became too tired to eat lunch and only wanted to get down and play. I told her she had to eat more she asked the next person who would listen, if she could get down...after they denied her the freedom of toys, she asked someone else. I finally took her in her room and closed the door and we had a little chat. She couldn't even sit still long enough to look me in the eye. She had too much to do. So Adam and I snuggled up in her bed with her and got her settled down. She ended up napping for a few hours and woke up refreshed and happy again.
Grandma and Auntie Gillian took her down to the park for a bit to burn off some more energy. She went to bed fine tonight with her new pink (of course) glow stick in hand. Before she really concentrated on sleeping, she managed to sneak each of us into her room to see the glowing pink stick. She asked Adam how it could be turned off, not realizing once it's cracked, it's cracked. Grandpa placed it under her pillow for her so it wasn't so bright while she was trying to get to sleep, but she ended up peeking under her pillow at it and commenting on how the Easter bunny would be able to find her house again to bring more treats!!
Marin is having a pretty hard time with her newest tooth (again) and chewed on her fingers or other foreign objects for most of the day. She had a great time visiting with everyone and was in extra cute mode! She got quite vocal this evening though, and shocked her Grandparents at how loud she can scream! These are not long bouts of screaming, but short bursts of "Hello? Could someone please feed me something more?" outbursts. I have no idea how such a sound can come out of an 8 month old! It's quite the thing!
Here she is playing with Auntie Gillian this afternoon.

We hope you all had a fantastic Easter with family or friends. I'll sign off for now. I have about 3kg of chocolate to help Calli eat, so I need to get on with it. I'll leave you with my favourite bunny joke.
Do you know why rabbits don't make noise when they have sex?
Because they have cotton balls.
Tee hee...cotton balls!!
You had a house full, wow, guess it'll be the last visit here for a few of them.
Sounds like Calli really misses her daddy...Marin looks like she was full of beans for Easter, did you play some music to show everyone how great she can groove?
Talk to you soon, tea? this week?