This is our living room and lovely wood stove.
We began the day with the idea of cleaning and organizing the house in preparation for the interested buyer coming to look at the house tomorrow. The house cleaning lady arrived at 11am and was the best thing that ever happened to us and our house. She was incredible!! She was here almost all day helping pack up boxes and de-clutter and get the house into shape. Things changed this afternoon when our real estate agent phoned and said there were a few interested buyers wanting to come tomorrow to look at the house!! It started off with the one original buyer and by the end of the day it had increased to 3 showings for tomorrow spread throughout the day. Then around 4pm, another phone call...someone really wanted in to see the house at 6 o'clock tonight! So we asked for an extension to 7pm and pushed ourselves into full-speed ahead mode. The amazing cleaning lady was here with us until just before 7pm when we all left at the same time. Adam, Granny and I took the girls down to the beach park and just relaxed for a few minutes before taking our chances and heading home to see if the "looker" was gone yet.
We ordered dinner in and we were 1/2 way through when our agent called and said the "looker" wanted to make an offer. HOLY CRAP!! We decided to go ahead and see what might come out of it. So, the first offer came and we looked it over and sent it back with our reply. We waited another hour or so and had another visit from our real estate agent...and ended up accepting the offer!!! Our house was basically on the market for 4 HOURS!!!!! We are in shock! We got more than we had hoped to get for the house, and there was NO way we could turn these people down. The offer was too good.
This makes things much easier for me now. We know we have to be moved out of here near the end of May, and I am free to look for a new house. The SOLD sign will be up tomorrow, I don't need to have the house in tip-top shape for the next few weeks...or even for tomorrow when the 3 other buyers were going to come through!! They can no longer look at it! We're done.
What else is there to say? It's crazy! Things are clipping along....
Here are some pictures of the house in the beautiful state it is currently in!

Our kitchen and hallway leading to the two main floor rooms and the bathroom.

The lovely kitchen...

The hallway leading into the bathroom.

Calli's room.....

Marin's room...

Spectacular bathroom...

The kids toy room with beautiful, original hardwood floors...But don't get any ideas...It's already sold.

And the piece de resistance....the master bedroom! This is what sold the house, I'm sure!