
Where do I begin? I'm sure many of you know by now, but we found out where we'll be living in the near future! We're moving to Montreal, Quebec. It's quite surreal right now. I feel like life continued as normal today (apart from the tight knot in my stomach) and even though it was at the front of all of my thoughts and conversations, it still hasn't really sunk in. I CANNOT imagine what it's going to be like. In some ways I'm glad for that and in some ways I'm not. Neither of us has ever been, so we have nothing to visualize - nothing to compare to. We've heard a lot of comments in the past about what a great city it is, but it's still hard to imagine.
When we moved here to PR, we'd never been before...so it's not the first time we are going somewhere blindly. We fell in love with this place instantly on our first trip, and I'm hoping the same thing will happen when we go there for the first time. It's going to be a big change and I'm sure I'm going to cry when I leave here......for a number of reasons.......but a new adventure is awaiting us and I'm looking forward to jumping in with both feet!!
Speaking of feet, one of Calli's favourite past-times is this crazy "stepping stone" thing she created. She always sets it up when I'm on the phone and doing something else at the same time. I guess she's figured out that I can't tell her not to do it when I'm talking to someone else. ( I thought I was capable of doing more than 2 things at one time, but apparently not...)
Once I was finished on the phone, I asked her to clean her books up. "But that's such hard work," came the tired little voice. I bribed her with a Girl Guide Cookie and she cleaned up the books like it was nobodys business!! When she cleans them up, she pretends to be returning the books (in small piles) to the library, the way Arthur or the Berenstain Bears do. Those cartoons do teach some good things!!!

Here is a little clip of what Calli does with her books when she is not reading them. They are books to read, they are "stepping stones," they are library books that she pretends to take back to the library in piles...but they are rarely on the bookshelf where they belong, when not in use!! (I know the sound is terrible on these little clips...At the start Calli is telling me that she is stepping/running and hopping on the stepping stones. The background noise is Marin hanging out eating her favourite little snack - Cheerios.)
This afternoon we went for a visit with friends. Calli and Zoe played outside for a while until Calli asked "Can we please go and play inside where it's nice and warm??" She used the most innocent and sweet voice I've heard in a while! I know she was eager to see what toys Zoe had out. She'd been talking about it for days!! Her games don't get far with me! I know what's going on inside that curly-haired head of hers!!
Here is a picture of the 2 of them saying Goodbye at the end of our visit. They were acting pretty silly! Zoe was still dressed up like a Princess. Calli had been returned to her regular peasant self.

We had a fun afternoon! Thanks RCP!!
There are soooo many things to do there, you will wonder where to start (not to mention all the fabulious shopping)! Scary but exciting all in the same breath. We are soooo happy for you all!