Pantry Triggers Anxiety Attack!!!
Marin looking at me, wondering what I could possibly be thinking about now?

At one point today, I looked at our pantry and realized that this whole move etc is REAL. Things have progressed so quickly it seems, that the realization is taking a bit longer to sink in. And why, of all things, did my pantry trigger a sudden feeling of anxiety and sadness? I would think looking at the mountains or out at our beautiful rose tree and budding peonies, might trigger these emotions...but my pantry doors? What is up with that? I might end up with a beautiful, more organized pantry in our new house! Why should it bother me now?
I've had a hard time looking at the ocean. I have loved living so close to the ocean. I have always been connected to the ocean, and I felt "at home" the first time we drove through PR, while looking for a house here 4 years ago!
Adam started on the path to his chosen career here...Both of our children have been born here...I grieved for my Dad while we've been here and healed (somewhat) from that...We have struggled and we have thrived. We've met some beautiful and caring friends here. Some we are leaving behind, and some have already moved on... We have walked and talked and laughed and cried. I know this whole cycle will begin again in this next phase of our lives, but theres just something about this place and this house. I feel like a large part of my heart will remain here - like I'm leaving something behind that I wasn't prepared to do yet. It's a strange feeling...can you tell?

We did our Easter eggs today. Calli quite enjoyed creating designs on her eggs. The kit we were given included some pretty funky little tools for decorating. There were mini roller brushes ("Just like on Trading Spaces, Mom!!") little sponges, paint-brushes and q-tip type, spongey tipped dabber things...(nice description, I know!) We had a lot of fun.

Marin ate Cheerios and cookies and babbled to us while we worked. She's an amazing Fore-woman/Supervisor.

I had to include this picture of Calli drinking my tea this morning! I usually begin my day with a HUGE cup of English tea, and Calli decided to help me finish it this morning. (This is actually Adam's mug and I find I can never finish a whole cup of it.) She was pretty darn cute, with her crazy morning hair and the mug being nearly the same size as her head!!

This is another funny thing that has been happening lately. Our cat, Wickett, who will be 10 years old in a few months, has been laying down beside her water bowl to have a drink lately! It's a pretty funny sight, but I feel sad at the same time. When you have to lie down to have a drink, doesn't that mean you have problems? I guess the walk to the kitchen must be pretty tiring for her poor little bones!
We've been discussing what to do with our cats when we move. I'm not sure Wickett can survive a plane journey across the country, or a car trip for that matter. I thought about finding someone to adopt either one or both cats, but I'm not sure I can face losing my babies... If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I know about sedating my cats, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of doing that. I've had to ship them by plane before (without sedation) and I have driven with them in the car on many occasions for VERY long periods of time. I'm at a loss.

Calli spent the majority of the day dressed in a ballet get-up.

This evening she added a rain hat and a lovely golden apron, worn as a dress. She was wearing a pink tulle ballet skirt, socks and ballet slippers as well. She danced around the house for Marin and I and sang a number of improvised songs, as usual. She loves to sing, and often makes up her own songs.

At one point today, I looked at our pantry and realized that this whole move etc is REAL. Things have progressed so quickly it seems, that the realization is taking a bit longer to sink in. And why, of all things, did my pantry trigger a sudden feeling of anxiety and sadness? I would think looking at the mountains or out at our beautiful rose tree and budding peonies, might trigger these emotions...but my pantry doors? What is up with that? I might end up with a beautiful, more organized pantry in our new house! Why should it bother me now?
I've had a hard time looking at the ocean. I have loved living so close to the ocean. I have always been connected to the ocean, and I felt "at home" the first time we drove through PR, while looking for a house here 4 years ago!
Adam started on the path to his chosen career here...Both of our children have been born here...I grieved for my Dad while we've been here and healed (somewhat) from that...We have struggled and we have thrived. We've met some beautiful and caring friends here. Some we are leaving behind, and some have already moved on... We have walked and talked and laughed and cried. I know this whole cycle will begin again in this next phase of our lives, but theres just something about this place and this house. I feel like a large part of my heart will remain here - like I'm leaving something behind that I wasn't prepared to do yet. It's a strange feeling...can you tell?

We did our Easter eggs today. Calli quite enjoyed creating designs on her eggs. The kit we were given included some pretty funky little tools for decorating. There were mini roller brushes ("Just like on Trading Spaces, Mom!!") little sponges, paint-brushes and q-tip type, spongey tipped dabber things...(nice description, I know!) We had a lot of fun.

Marin ate Cheerios and cookies and babbled to us while we worked. She's an amazing Fore-woman/Supervisor.

I had to include this picture of Calli drinking my tea this morning! I usually begin my day with a HUGE cup of English tea, and Calli decided to help me finish it this morning. (This is actually Adam's mug and I find I can never finish a whole cup of it.) She was pretty darn cute, with her crazy morning hair and the mug being nearly the same size as her head!!

This is another funny thing that has been happening lately. Our cat, Wickett, who will be 10 years old in a few months, has been laying down beside her water bowl to have a drink lately! It's a pretty funny sight, but I feel sad at the same time. When you have to lie down to have a drink, doesn't that mean you have problems? I guess the walk to the kitchen must be pretty tiring for her poor little bones!
We've been discussing what to do with our cats when we move. I'm not sure Wickett can survive a plane journey across the country, or a car trip for that matter. I thought about finding someone to adopt either one or both cats, but I'm not sure I can face losing my babies... If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I know about sedating my cats, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of doing that. I've had to ship them by plane before (without sedation) and I have driven with them in the car on many occasions for VERY long periods of time. I'm at a loss.

Calli spent the majority of the day dressed in a ballet get-up.

This evening she added a rain hat and a lovely golden apron, worn as a dress. She was wearing a pink tulle ballet skirt, socks and ballet slippers as well. She danced around the house for Marin and I and sang a number of improvised songs, as usual. She loves to sing, and often makes up her own songs.
You will never loose your memories of PR, you will always hold them close and dear to your heart!