Appreciation Comes In Small Pkgs
Somehow we made it out of the house by 9am this morning!! That is quite a feat, considering we didn't wake up until 8am!! We went on a lovely long walk with a friend and her dog. Marin slept, Calli chatted and listened to us talking, then started complaining because she wanted to get on with the next phase of our day. She still can't accept the fact that sometimes we are JUST going for a walk. She thinks we must always be going somewhere...there HAS to be a specific destination in mind. I'm afraid when I want to go out for my 2-3 mile walks.....that's all it's going to involve, and she's going to have to start appreciating the view! How to make her get the whole concept???........I'm not sure yet.
After our walk, we packed up a few things and headed out to another friends house for the afternoon. We spent 4 hours outside in the sun. The girls played ball together, played in the sandbox, on the swings, read books in the tent (see Fig. 1 and 2) and just kept on playing some more! The cutest thing was when we arrived and they saw each other and ran open armed to each other for a Hello Hug!! "Calli!!!!" "Olivia!!!!" Oh, the moments a person is never prepared for! It nearly brought a tear to my eye! I love how kids appreciate the little things at times you never expect them to! When was the last time you ran to greet someone you were anxious to see for the whole day? Or for 10 minutes even??
FIG. 1

FIG. 2

I had to fight to get Calli to get in the car and come home with me. There were no bribes big enough to get her into the car. She really wanted to stay and play with her "best friend in the whole entire world." She even continued her snit on the way home. "I really don't think I want to go home." Of course, I'm overly sensitive, so I start questioning the level of fun at our house and wondering if there is more I should be doing at home with her...or if we should be getting out more? After much thought, I think we have fun here, but it's on a different level. It's quite obvious. It's just hard to hear your child feeling so strongly about staying at someone elses (much more fun) house.
The girls had a beautiful orange bath tonight. Once I got Marin out, I added a bath bomb I had hanging around for a while, and did I ever pick the jackpot!!! This bomb had a CRAZY amount of sparkles within it!! So when it melted in the water, everything was glistening, including my little Calli!! FUN!!!
After the girls were in bed, I had my nightly cup of English tea and went to the fridge to get the milk and discovered this. (see Fig. 3) When Calli was talking to her Granny earlier she'd said "Hold on a sec Granny. I have to put you on speaker-phone. The Little People are cold enough now."
FIG. 3

I have found plastic fruit, pizza and lettuce in the fridge, a bowl of raisins ("It's CAKE, Mom."), a pot full of magnetic alphabet letters (lid on), but this is the first time there has been an invasion of Little People. Can you find them all?
After our walk, we packed up a few things and headed out to another friends house for the afternoon. We spent 4 hours outside in the sun. The girls played ball together, played in the sandbox, on the swings, read books in the tent (see Fig. 1 and 2) and just kept on playing some more! The cutest thing was when we arrived and they saw each other and ran open armed to each other for a Hello Hug!! "Calli!!!!" "Olivia!!!!" Oh, the moments a person is never prepared for! It nearly brought a tear to my eye! I love how kids appreciate the little things at times you never expect them to! When was the last time you ran to greet someone you were anxious to see for the whole day? Or for 10 minutes even??
FIG. 1

FIG. 2

I had to fight to get Calli to get in the car and come home with me. There were no bribes big enough to get her into the car. She really wanted to stay and play with her "best friend in the whole entire world." She even continued her snit on the way home. "I really don't think I want to go home." Of course, I'm overly sensitive, so I start questioning the level of fun at our house and wondering if there is more I should be doing at home with her...or if we should be getting out more? After much thought, I think we have fun here, but it's on a different level. It's quite obvious. It's just hard to hear your child feeling so strongly about staying at someone elses (much more fun) house.
The girls had a beautiful orange bath tonight. Once I got Marin out, I added a bath bomb I had hanging around for a while, and did I ever pick the jackpot!!! This bomb had a CRAZY amount of sparkles within it!! So when it melted in the water, everything was glistening, including my little Calli!! FUN!!!
After the girls were in bed, I had my nightly cup of English tea and went to the fridge to get the milk and discovered this. (see Fig. 3) When Calli was talking to her Granny earlier she'd said "Hold on a sec Granny. I have to put you on speaker-phone. The Little People are cold enough now."
FIG. 3

I have found plastic fruit, pizza and lettuce in the fridge, a bowl of raisins ("It's CAKE, Mom."), a pot full of magnetic alphabet letters (lid on), but this is the first time there has been an invasion of Little People. Can you find them all?
It's the same for me, when we are at someone house, and Zoe really loves a certain toy...I automatically think, maybe we should buy one for her. I have learned some self-control, but Calli's visit, I think barbie may need a wardrobe?! Poor barbie in the same outfit for-"ever".