Take the Long Road and Walk It

Time is running..... I booked our flights to Montreal for next week. We are hooked up with a really nice real estate agent out there who is going to help us find a new house! Calli is convinced that this house in PR is the "perfect house" for us and there is no need to move. She's having SUCH a hard time with all of this. She has been acting out/up for the last few days. It's understandable because she's confused and missing her Dad and not getting all the attention she deserves/needs, but it's hard for me to handle right now too! I wish I could spend every minute of the day with her and solely devote each second to her needs and questions and thoughts. My phone was fully charged this morning and was out of juice by 5pm tonight. I don't know how long I went having that thing pressed up against my ear today.
Marin is quite content to crawl around and get into everything and annoy her sister each time she (Calli) begins some new project...which further adds to Calli's frustration. She was constantly yelling at Marin today to leave her alone and to get away from whatever she was doing. There were times when Calli was making Marin laugh her little head off though. Calli still has the silly glasses with the funny nose attached from Emma's birthday party....so long ago.....and when she wears them, she breathes through the nose really loudly and Marin just thinks it's the funniest thing on the planet!!
It's SO cute when they are laughing together. Those moments melt all the stress away for me. I love nothing more right now than sitting and listening to my girls play and laugh together. That deep laughter that emanates from their bellies is so sincere. To be in that state myself would be heaven right now! I would give anything to have a good laugh like that, without a worry in the world.....

I guess it's a reminder to make sure I stop and smell the flowers a bit more in the coming weeks. I don't want to forget where I am and why I am doing the things I am doing. This move is going to open up doors we never imagined would present themselves to us so soon in our lives. I'm going in with full-on optimism!! I think it's the only way to go about it!! It's our adventure and I'm going to make sure we have the best time making it happen! May the force be with us!!