I think I might be high....

James the painter arrived bright and early at 9am. He taped off 3 of the 4 rooms we're having painted and got right to the job!! My house is once again resembling a slight disaster area, with toys all over the living room. We ended up moving everything from the toy room (used to be my dining room) into the living room.
It's quite ironic that although the 2 rooms are right beside each other, I try my BEST to keep toys IN the toy room at all times. I tend to allow a certain amount of toys to sneak into the living room before I declare a major clean-up session. We have a toy/play room for a reason. It's because that's where you play toys!!!!!! Tough concept to grasp in these parts! So it has been a strange day only having access to the bathroom, kitchen and living room. All play activities have taken part in the living room. I have done A LOT of deep breathing. I'm feeling slightly claustrophobic.
Luckily we had friends come and play today and the kids played very well together in the small space they were able to play in. We even had them playing Simon Says and Go Go Stop...thereby playing without any of the toys!!
Granny came today on the plane to help me get some stuff organized and some lists made and to give me some direction. I had the real estate guy come over and measure the house and he'll be back in a few days with the contract and some tips about being prepared for showings. The real estate tour group will be around on Wednesday for their turn, and the sign will go up in our yard shortly thereafter!!! I'd have to say...The Ball Is Now Rolling.
Because of the smell in the house, and the fact that the girls rooms are completely covered in tape and plastic, I was advised not to have the kids sleep in their rooms tonight. I'd planned on having them both sleep in my room with me, but Granny got a room at a Hotel and Calli is having a sleep-over with her tonight. Here is a picture of her leaving for the night, with her Kitty Chan backpack, a Care Bear and Gollie, with his dress on...although she informed me tonight that it's his nightie. Duh!

It took a lot of convincing to get her to leave me. That girl is too smart for her own good. She REALLY didn't think it would be fun to stay with Granny. She asked me if I would miss her if she wasn't at home. I told her I wouldn't miss her completely because I knew she'd see me early in the morning, and because I knew she'd be safe with Granny. That didn't work. We told her Granny would be lonely with nobody to keep her company in her room...after about 2, maybe 3 seconds, Calli said "Granny, you can take my lion and my Gollie with you to the hotel room for a sleep-over. Then you won't be alone. And I'll stay with Mommy!!!"
But somewhere in between leaving the restaurant and getting into the car, the sleepover became a good idea. That is, until it came time to put her in the car and close the door. I could see her sad little face and I almost called the whole thing off myself, but I knew it was important to send her on her way. I promised her she was allowed to jump on the bed in the room (because you are only allowed to do that in hotels) and that she could bring us coffee from our favourite coffee joint (RCC) in the morning. I waved to her as they drove away and even managed not to cry. :(
Marin is suffering from her 5th tooth! She didn't sleep all day with all the commotion in here today, and suffered through supper. She clamps onto the spoon sometimes and I have to fight her to get it back. I just feel so bad for her. Poor little muffin.
It's SO hard to see my babies so sad. Whether it's physical or emotional...it hurts just the same for me as it does for them. I'd take it all away in an instant, if just to get them to the other side. Sweet dreams my angels.....
I am sure Calli loved her sleep over with Granny, but it is a bit hard to see them leave the nest!!
Wasting no time, for someone who said they don't know where to start, you seem to have really gotten control of that...way to go. Or at least it sure looks that way.
It's going to be tough, organizing, figuring it all out, mom's are a double blessing, to come and help. I'm only a phone call away...and can be there.
I have the same issues, with my Zoe, if I could make all events happy ones, and never have to see her pain, or struggle...I would take it all for myself too.