Hanging up on you

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This is Callis' Highchair Acrobatics manoever. I think she might have a future in this! Who knew swinging from the bottom of a highchair could equal so much fun? Marin is completely unbothered by the whole procedure and just continues talking ("Mama, Mama, Mommomomomom...), chewing on her toothbrush or eating Cheerios. Quite the pair I tell you, quite the pair!!


Jenny said…
I love it. Love the kids, love the video, love the idea, love it.
"E" squared said…
I feel out of the loop... you must show me how, what fun!!
Homebodies said…
ooooh how did you that, I mean, how did you get the video on the blog...that's something I've been wishing I could put on our blog. You've started something...again!!
WAY to GO Calli, who needs to go to gymnastics, when you can do it at home, and even land on a mat, with a perfect landing. :)
I'll be calling soon, I almost have my voice back. Thanks for your well wishes, Zoe is getting better, but still has a nasty cough, and mild fever. She's in great spirits though.

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