Why bother raining??

(This is Calli reading to Marin before bed tonight!!)
The rain clouds made a much welcomed appearance this morning, but after a mini thunder and lightning show, it was just as hot and humid as a sauna would be. We had a few things to do shopping-wise this afternoon and as much as I hate to say it, the a/c was a welcome treat! It was very difficult to walk outside and get in our car after our errands. Once we arrived home, we took it easy all afternoon, trying to avoid the impending stickiness. Calli wanted to go "for a quick dip," to cool off, but it was too late by then. So into the bath the girls went.

Marin is trying out sounds/words and says "Duh," when she's done in the tub. This is accompanied by an earnest effort to scuttle herself out of her tub seat and into her towel...I'm not sure how old she thinks she is!!
She has figured out stair climbing and disappeared on me yesterday while Calli and I were talking/playing or colouring. I found her at the top of the stairs (8 stairs) roaming around in her room. She has also managed to climb up the 4 stairs into Calli's little room to attack the book shelf. She especially enjoys taking the books off the shelf and leaving them on the floor for her sister to clean up.

We are going to a BBQ in a few days and have pre-warned Calli that the hostesses children ONLY speak French. Calli is very confident and has informed us, "When I see my new friends, I will say 'Salut!! Hi!!" She is quite eager to meet these new people, but I really don't think she understands the language barrier. Although, when we were in Germany last year, she managed to play with 3 little German girls for a few hours and even picked up a few words!! Not to mention her other friend in Switzerland, who we spent a few days with! It was amazing to see how the 2 little ones got along so well and played all day, even though they couldn't understand a word the other was saying!!! It should be fun!!!