Horse is in the House

When we left PR, Adam's parents were kind enough to look after our lovely cat, Horsie, for a few weeks until we were settled in. Yesterday was finally the day when timing worked out well enough for Horsie to be a passenger on Air Canada and for us to pick her up! It was all we talked about all day long! We were ALL anticipating her arrival and were eager for 8pm to arrive so we could see her.

The moment had arrived...Adam said he could hear her on the cargo bus!! We got her out of her cage and into the car and she sat on my lap for the whole ride home! She hardly made a peep (or a meow)! We showed her around our new house and led her to her food and her new litter box, she hid for about 2 minutes and then decided she'd better get exploring! She settled in very quickly as she is a seasoned pro these days! I think I've moved with her 15 times over the last 10 years!! She has been everywhere with me.
Our other cat, Wickett, went up to the Big Cat House in the sky before we left. She went to the Vet for a checkup and she had some pretty major health issues that couldn't necessarily be solved. She had a terrible respiratory disorder and was extremely overweight and was 10 years old.
It was one of the saddest Goodbye's that Adam and I have had to endure. Ten years is a long life with a cat and we'll never forget her! When we told Calli that Wickie had "gone up to the stars," she wanted to stay up until it was dark to see if she could see her star and make a wish for her! Even in the saddest moments, our children find amazing little ways to help us see things a bit more clearly.
We all miss Wickett like crazy and we've all made a wish on her star...........
On a happier note, the horse is home, hurray, I am soooo happy she made it and is making her spot in the pad in horsey style. Love that cat, tell her meow I say meow and give her a snuggle for me.