TWO Auntie Chelseas!!
Yesterday we had a quick visit with Kevin and Chelsea. Calli found it to be the perfect opportunity to show off! She had to show her "other" Auntie Chelsea the dress she will be wearing for 2 upcoming weddings this summer, the dress she wore to Jenny and Chad's wedding last weekend, (which Chelsea was there for...), the shoes I wore to Jenny and Chad's wedding, the new Princess/Ballerina dress Granny sent in the mail etc.. Chelsea was a very good sport and acted surprised and amazed at all the right times!! Way to go Chelsea!!

Marin was past the point of tired and was unwilling to go to sleep on my terms, but Kevin sat with her on a chair while we visited and she was calm and comfortable and pretty soon she slipped off into DreamLand on her Uncle Kevin's lap!! So the "quick" visit that Kevin and Chelsea had planned turned out to be a bit longer while Marin slept. At least now I know who to turn to for the magic touch!!

Our other Chelsea flew home yesterday evening. It was such a nice time for her to be here visiting. We talked and talked and I am really amazed at how many similarities we found in our upbringings. Adam always wondered if Chelsea and I are the same person, and I can see how he could think that. We are alike in a lot of ways and have the same ideas about LOTS of things!
We've been struggling with Calli over the last few weeks since our trip out West. She suddenly copped a TERRIBLY mean attitude and refuses to do or to listen to anything we say. After trying every method we could think of, (speaking quietly with her, time outs, speaking firmly, yelling, smacking her hands, etc.), we finally resorted to the wooden spoon!! We only needed to use it one time and now the threat of it is enough to make her listen. The thing is that she blatantly does whatever we ask her not to do. After asking her NOT to open the patio door in our hotel room, she opened the door. I asked her why she was doing things that I asked her not to do and she replied "Because I like to do the things you ask me not to do." The kid is too smart for her own good. Chelsea B. was a GREAT help with some ideas of getting Calli through this stage. Anything from speaking to her about her actions and asking her what she thought was the right/wrong thing to rewarding her for being a good girl. Chelsea, I did go and buy some flowers today to try the Flower Strategy. When I explained it to Calli, she told me she WANTED a flower. I tried re-explaining it to her and informing her that it wasn't up to her to ask for flowers, she had to earn them each day in order to get a "prize." Hopefully this method will work. Each time she says something in a bratty/snotty-attitude voice, I ask her to repeat herself in a nicer way. I'm finding she is speaking nicer as the day wears on. And so it goes....
Marin is quite a climber. She must be monitored at all times as she is often found climbing up the stairs (unassisted) or onto chairs/ottomans etc. The other day, she climbed on top of Calli's little white plastic lawn chair, stood up and clapped her hands. No, she was not holding on to anything.
Here, Calli is sitting in her desk waiting for her supper and Marin, who usually climbs onto the desk to stand on top of the working space, has climbed up and made things a little more cozy.

She is certainly FAR more adventurous now than Calli ever was. I wonder if she'll like pink...

Marin was past the point of tired and was unwilling to go to sleep on my terms, but Kevin sat with her on a chair while we visited and she was calm and comfortable and pretty soon she slipped off into DreamLand on her Uncle Kevin's lap!! So the "quick" visit that Kevin and Chelsea had planned turned out to be a bit longer while Marin slept. At least now I know who to turn to for the magic touch!!

Our other Chelsea flew home yesterday evening. It was such a nice time for her to be here visiting. We talked and talked and I am really amazed at how many similarities we found in our upbringings. Adam always wondered if Chelsea and I are the same person, and I can see how he could think that. We are alike in a lot of ways and have the same ideas about LOTS of things!
We've been struggling with Calli over the last few weeks since our trip out West. She suddenly copped a TERRIBLY mean attitude and refuses to do or to listen to anything we say. After trying every method we could think of, (speaking quietly with her, time outs, speaking firmly, yelling, smacking her hands, etc.), we finally resorted to the wooden spoon!! We only needed to use it one time and now the threat of it is enough to make her listen. The thing is that she blatantly does whatever we ask her not to do. After asking her NOT to open the patio door in our hotel room, she opened the door. I asked her why she was doing things that I asked her not to do and she replied "Because I like to do the things you ask me not to do." The kid is too smart for her own good. Chelsea B. was a GREAT help with some ideas of getting Calli through this stage. Anything from speaking to her about her actions and asking her what she thought was the right/wrong thing to rewarding her for being a good girl. Chelsea, I did go and buy some flowers today to try the Flower Strategy. When I explained it to Calli, she told me she WANTED a flower. I tried re-explaining it to her and informing her that it wasn't up to her to ask for flowers, she had to earn them each day in order to get a "prize." Hopefully this method will work. Each time she says something in a bratty/snotty-attitude voice, I ask her to repeat herself in a nicer way. I'm finding she is speaking nicer as the day wears on. And so it goes....
Marin is quite a climber. She must be monitored at all times as she is often found climbing up the stairs (unassisted) or onto chairs/ottomans etc. The other day, she climbed on top of Calli's little white plastic lawn chair, stood up and clapped her hands. No, she was not holding on to anything.
Here, Calli is sitting in her desk waiting for her supper and Marin, who usually climbs onto the desk to stand on top of the working space, has climbed up and made things a little more cozy.

She is certainly FAR more adventurous now than Calli ever was. I wonder if she'll like pink...