Anyone seen a Lumberjack?

We spent 4 hours in the sun this morning making our backyard beautiful. In the 7 years that the previous owners lived here, we aren't sure they did ANY gardening whatsoever. Therefore, our gardens were completely overgrown with weeds and ugly cedar trees. Adam was quite excited to get his saw out and rip the cedars out of the ground, and what a difference it made to the yard!! Of course we have lots of room to plant our new flowers, but the other bonus is....there won't be any horrible spiders hiding in the branches when we tend to the gardens in the future! YAY!

Marin played in her playpen on the deck for 4 hours!!! She had some Cheerios and a few crackers as a little snack, a sippy cup full of cold apple juice and some toys and books and she was good to go!

Calli was a great help with catching bugs, worms, centipedes, beetles and also with flooding the yard with the hose! She helped load dirt into the wheelbarrow (two scoops was enough) and followed that by flooding it too!

Here is a before and after of the little garden against part of our back fence. As you can see, there was not much going on with the cedar tree or with anything else for that matter.

And now...we even went so far as to remove the stone blocks, wash them off and replace them! That Adam, he's so smart!

There used to be a matching tall cedar on the left hand side of this window. Adam was so excited to get rid of it this morning, I'm not even sure he'd had his first sip of coffee before he transformed into Paul Bunyan!!!!!!! (I didn't even have time to get a picture, he was so swift!)

There is a large empty spot right in the middle of the window which we do intend to fill. A VW Jetta can only hold so many plants at a time when coming home from the nursery!

This particular garden was completely overgrown with weeds and the existing plants and some rabid raspberry runners!

And is a beautiful haven to lavender, roses and daisies.

We still have to do a days worth of work in the front yard, but all in all, this place is shaping up nicely! The lawn was cut this looks much nicer now!

We went in to town for a few groceries for lunch and after being in the sun for 4 hours and dealing with the exhausting task of playing, eating and drinking, Marin fell asleep before the key even hit the ignition! When we returned home she did her rounds looking for any stray O's. Best place to look??? On the highchair, silly!

Another adventure begins tomorrow...stay tuned!!