Imagination Station

Ever since I brought the little walker up for Marin to play with, Calli has decided she hasn't quite finished playing with it yet. Whenever Marin parks it, Calli takes over and is quite inventive with it. It is no longer called a walker. It is now known as Marin's Lawnmower. It has also arrived in disguise as Calli's scooter, which she races around our living and dining rooms, as well as a horse. She tied her skipping rope to it to use as reins, and sat on a little container behind it and sang the William Tell Overture while directing her horse over the plains!! Quite the imagination on this one!

Here is a picture of Calli with the tea party she had set up for her bunny, her huge lion and herself. She had everything laid out on her bed and told me they were having tea on the deck! I'll take pictures of how the kids room is laid out and you might understand why she decided her room is the deck.

Marin loves being a big girl and walking with her "lawnmower."

She has also started using anything from tv/vcr/satellite remotes to play telephones to Calli's flip-flops to use as her telephone. She will hold the desired object to her ear and say "Awoah?" Then if she sees us looking at her, she throws the "phone" on the floor, only to pick it up a few minutes later and continue her conversation.

She's a darn cute little button this one!!