Contraband Lawn

According to the Bylaws of our town it is stated:
The use of pesticides is forbidden on the entire Saint-Lazare territory.
We found from speaking with various people, (namely neighbours, Home Depot workers, work colleagues etc.), that many people don't abide by this rule. We had heard a rumor that the city workers drive around and check lawns to see if there are dandelions growing or not. If not, they can fine you for using a pesticide. After speaking with other people, it turns out that this IS just a rumour.
So we started wondering how some of the yards/lawns on our street were so beautifully kept and weed free! After further investigation, we found out that people cross the border into Ontario and buy weed killer which they sprinkle on their lawns late at night!!! Can you imagine the lengths people go to for a nice lawn here??!!
Needless to say, we took a little Sunday drive to Ontario yesterday.

After touring some back-country roads and ogling all the beautiful crops and old homestead farms, we finally came across a Home Hardware store and bought the goods.

The clerk mentioned a good, strong Weed and Feed and knew from the way Adam perked up that we must be from Quebec. He wasn't at all surprised, adding that the majority of people who buy the stuff were from QC. There is a guy who lives in the town next to us that buys 2 skids of the stuff to sell/bootleg to people in this area!!! Crazy!

So I'll have to take some before and after pictures to see how well this contraband really works!! Stay tuned...
Hope you are well!