My Dad is cooler than your Dad.
Calli has not been eating much supper lately. Tonight I made a Bruschetta pasta which had a VERY small amount of fresh basil chopped into it. I know she will eat tomatoes, garlic, onions and parmesan cheese, so I thought I had a winner with this favourite dish of usually has capers as well, but I left them out as I know she REALLY doesn't like them. I set the plate down and she looked at it and said "I don't like lettuce." I told her to try it before she decides she doesn't like it. "NO." So eventually she got hungry enough and grabbed a piece of basil and put it in her mouth! She was making a horrible face immediately and when I told her it tasted a bit like licorice, she suddenly liked it!! Not enough to eat dinner, mind you, but at least she won't be so fussy with basil in the future! I hope.
So because she hasn't been eating much at supper-time, she has been getting up earlier in the mornings, because she is hungry. It's only an hour earlier, but it's a very precious hour. Marin usually wakes up earlier than Calli for her morning nursing, and we tend to fall back asleep for another hour or so until Calli wakes up. Now because they are both waking up at the same time, all 3 of us are losing that critical extra hour of sleep! For Marin, this means she has a nap earlier in the day. For me, it means I vow to get to bed earlier at night...(never going to happen). And for Calli....It means the devil child will make her appearance earlier in the day. I can usually expect to meet Lucifer around 5pm or so, but today was an exception.
We had a great morning together colouring, playing, doing our hair, eating lots of fun fruit, playing with Marin...until I suggested we go swimming before lunch. Calli jumped at the chance to go for a swim on her new kick board, but was having a hard time getting her pj's off because she was so sweaty from the heat at 11am. I finally helped her get undressed and she was whining and snivelling by this point. She started getting her swimsuit on and continued with the whining and fake crying...I don't even remember what her problem was then. I told her to "can it." She said to me "I like Daddy better." I asked her to repeat what she'd said and she did!! I was dumbstruck. I know I take a back seat when Adam is home, but this was beyond anything for me... I wanted to cry my eyes out, but I didn't want her to see she could get to me. So I told her to get on the stairs for a time out and I phoned my Mummy. I knew Adam was in the sky, otherwise I would have called him first. My Mum laughed. Not quite the reaction I was looking for. She told me that both my brother and I had said something similar when we were young, and that most kids say this crap. My feelings were hurt. Hard to admit that a 3 year old was able to make me feel like a piece of S-H-I-T, but man...that tore through my heart!
My Mum apologized for laughing at me. Calli apologized too!! On her own. I didn't say anything to her about it and she just came out and said "I'm sorry for saying I like Daddy better." It must have shown. Poor little me.
Marin went to bed around 8:30 and woke up hot and sweaty. Even with a fan in their room, the girls are sweltering hot. I got her up and took her downstairs to cool off for a bit.

She fell asleep until Mike, our friend who is staying with us right now, came in from work. Then she caught her 2nd wind and decided it was play time.

Here is my evidence. This is at 1030pm tonight. Little rascal. I gave her some Orajel and managed to get her back to sleep. Hopefully it'll cool off enough for her to get some rest.
So because she hasn't been eating much at supper-time, she has been getting up earlier in the mornings, because she is hungry. It's only an hour earlier, but it's a very precious hour. Marin usually wakes up earlier than Calli for her morning nursing, and we tend to fall back asleep for another hour or so until Calli wakes up. Now because they are both waking up at the same time, all 3 of us are losing that critical extra hour of sleep! For Marin, this means she has a nap earlier in the day. For me, it means I vow to get to bed earlier at night...(never going to happen). And for Calli....It means the devil child will make her appearance earlier in the day. I can usually expect to meet Lucifer around 5pm or so, but today was an exception.
We had a great morning together colouring, playing, doing our hair, eating lots of fun fruit, playing with Marin...until I suggested we go swimming before lunch. Calli jumped at the chance to go for a swim on her new kick board, but was having a hard time getting her pj's off because she was so sweaty from the heat at 11am. I finally helped her get undressed and she was whining and snivelling by this point. She started getting her swimsuit on and continued with the whining and fake crying...I don't even remember what her problem was then. I told her to "can it." She said to me "I like Daddy better." I asked her to repeat what she'd said and she did!! I was dumbstruck. I know I take a back seat when Adam is home, but this was beyond anything for me... I wanted to cry my eyes out, but I didn't want her to see she could get to me. So I told her to get on the stairs for a time out and I phoned my Mummy. I knew Adam was in the sky, otherwise I would have called him first. My Mum laughed. Not quite the reaction I was looking for. She told me that both my brother and I had said something similar when we were young, and that most kids say this crap. My feelings were hurt. Hard to admit that a 3 year old was able to make me feel like a piece of S-H-I-T, but man...that tore through my heart!
My Mum apologized for laughing at me. Calli apologized too!! On her own. I didn't say anything to her about it and she just came out and said "I'm sorry for saying I like Daddy better." It must have shown. Poor little me.
Marin went to bed around 8:30 and woke up hot and sweaty. Even with a fan in their room, the girls are sweltering hot. I got her up and took her downstairs to cool off for a bit.

She fell asleep until Mike, our friend who is staying with us right now, came in from work. Then she caught her 2nd wind and decided it was play time.

Here is my evidence. This is at 1030pm tonight. Little rascal. I gave her some Orajel and managed to get her back to sleep. Hopefully it'll cool off enough for her to get some rest.
