Stinky Piggies

Isn't the naivety and innocence of children incredible? A few days ago, the girls and I were driving to the airport and we happened to get behind a big semi truck. I thought from the smell that it was hauling cows, but it turned out to be some big, fat piggies. I pointed it out to Calli and she said to me, "Where is that truck taking the pigs, Mommy?" I didn't think too hard before answering "He must be taking them to a farm." She pondered that for about 1/2 a minute, before agreeing with me. It somehow changed from the pigs going TO a farm, to being transferred between 2 different farms. All of this, while the pigs are transported in a steel truck, on a main highway, IN a city. But to my little girl, the pigs were heading out to a lush field with a bright red barn and a white fence, in which they would build themselves a sty and have an endless supply of food to feed them!! It nearly brought a tear to my eye.
While tucking Calli into bed, she asked me if we could go to Fairytale Land someday. I told her I wasn't sure there was such a place. She assured me there was. Who was I to argue with her imagination? I asked her why she wanted to go there. She told me she wanted all of my wishes to come true...and all of Marin's wishes....all of Daddy's wishes...and all of Horsie's wishes too!! I asked her about her own wishes. Have they come true? She told me they had.
I remember wishing for crazy material things like $1 million, long hair, a handsome boyfriend, a new bike, a pony, spaghetti for dinner... What in the world had Calli wished for? And if it had come true...Where was it? What was it?
I'm still not sure what she wished and I'm glad! I love her innocence and imagination. It makes all the crazy moments I have with her worth it. To look past the snarky comments, the bad attitude and the selective listening and see my little 3 year old girl with the wild imagination! It puts sunshine in these rainy Quebec days!!
