Little M
Here is the last of my beautiful dahlia's!! We had quite a display of these gorgeous flowers all summer long. Soon it'll be time to pull the bulbs out, to save for next summer!!

Marin, my little troublemaker.... She has mastered the pantry now. We have had to move any interesting snack-type foods up and out of her reach. We were downstairs today in the computer room, when we heard the pitter patter of little footsteps on the hardwood kitchen floor, then the crinkling of plastic packaging. This was followed by a laborous retreat back down the stairs, with said package...and a short walk into the computer room, both hands outstretched, carrying a bag of raisins. She handed the bag to Adam while saying "Puh. Puh. Puh. Puh," in her whispery little voice. (She only uses this voice when she wants something...otherwise she is loud or yelling.)
We have a little side table that my Dad built, sitting on the other side of my kitchen counter. We have a cut-out counter?? So we can see through to the dining room. Marin and Calli have discovered that standing on the little table will sometimes get them treats from the kitchen, or the chance to participate in making meals. Marin usually stands closest to my never-ending paper/magazine pile, and tends to throw the entire lot onto the floor. Such FUN!!!

Marin is still pretty attached to her Dad's toothbrush. She goes straight to his drawer in the bathroom, reaches in for the toothbrush and says "Oah," translated - "On." She was busy cleaning the chair with it today.

Here she is in the car, waiting for Calli to be finished at pre-school. She even waved and said "bye," to the other kids and the teacher!!

PS - Thanks for the outfit Auntie Denise and Uncle Jan!!

Marin, my little troublemaker.... She has mastered the pantry now. We have had to move any interesting snack-type foods up and out of her reach. We were downstairs today in the computer room, when we heard the pitter patter of little footsteps on the hardwood kitchen floor, then the crinkling of plastic packaging. This was followed by a laborous retreat back down the stairs, with said package...and a short walk into the computer room, both hands outstretched, carrying a bag of raisins. She handed the bag to Adam while saying "Puh. Puh. Puh. Puh," in her whispery little voice. (She only uses this voice when she wants something...otherwise she is loud or yelling.)
We have a little side table that my Dad built, sitting on the other side of my kitchen counter. We have a cut-out counter?? So we can see through to the dining room. Marin and Calli have discovered that standing on the little table will sometimes get them treats from the kitchen, or the chance to participate in making meals. Marin usually stands closest to my never-ending paper/magazine pile, and tends to throw the entire lot onto the floor. Such FUN!!!

Marin is still pretty attached to her Dad's toothbrush. She goes straight to his drawer in the bathroom, reaches in for the toothbrush and says "Oah," translated - "On." She was busy cleaning the chair with it today.

Here she is in the car, waiting for Calli to be finished at pre-school. She even waved and said "bye," to the other kids and the teacher!!

PS - Thanks for the outfit Auntie Denise and Uncle Jan!!
Love you girls! (and Bob...)