As we predicted, Calli could hardly eat her supper, being so excited to get dressed up and go out Trick or Treating.
Marin was quite happy to pose for this picture...

But don't let her fool you... She's tricky all right...

After putting a few layers of clothes on the kids, we threw their costumes on top, put a touch of lipstick and blush on and got ready to head out the door!

Calli was cold by the 3rd house, but managed to stick it out without too much complaining! Each time we would walk up a new driveway, she'd see the decorations on the door and say "Well this is fun, hey!" Marin didn't comment much. She enjoyed seeing her bag fill up and was NOT interested in letting go of it for any reason at all!!
Calli did all the talking for the two of them and even included a little song and dance for some of the neighbours! It went something along the lines of : "Witchy, witchy, yeah yeah!!" She threw in a little bum wiggle or two and charmed a LOT of extra candy out of people!

Calli enjoyed answering the door for the Trick or Treaters and putting the candy in their bags once we arrived home. Marin, on the other hand, walked in the door, reached in her loot bag, grabbed the first mini bag of chips she could get her frozen hands on and asked for me to open them. "Puh, puh, puh..."

The most interesting and creative costume I saw tonight at our door, was a guy who had painted a cardboard box to resemble an iPod! Very inventive! I thought it was brilliant! Halloween is so much fun and Calli has already planned her costume out for next year!! But I'm not telling....
Marin was quite happy to pose for this picture...

But don't let her fool you... She's tricky all right...

After putting a few layers of clothes on the kids, we threw their costumes on top, put a touch of lipstick and blush on and got ready to head out the door!

Calli was cold by the 3rd house, but managed to stick it out without too much complaining! Each time we would walk up a new driveway, she'd see the decorations on the door and say "Well this is fun, hey!" Marin didn't comment much. She enjoyed seeing her bag fill up and was NOT interested in letting go of it for any reason at all!!
Calli did all the talking for the two of them and even included a little song and dance for some of the neighbours! It went something along the lines of : "Witchy, witchy, yeah yeah!!" She threw in a little bum wiggle or two and charmed a LOT of extra candy out of people!

Calli enjoyed answering the door for the Trick or Treaters and putting the candy in their bags once we arrived home. Marin, on the other hand, walked in the door, reached in her loot bag, grabbed the first mini bag of chips she could get her frozen hands on and asked for me to open them. "Puh, puh, puh..."

The most interesting and creative costume I saw tonight at our door, was a guy who had painted a cardboard box to resemble an iPod! Very inventive! I thought it was brilliant! Halloween is so much fun and Calli has already planned her costume out for next year!! But I'm not telling....
Liked your second blog with Calli and I having tea and oh my she does some great dancing!
Cute, cute.
Thanks for stopping by!