BC Stuff continued
So to finish off with a few more highlights of our trip to BC, we enjoyed tea time at a great little tea house in WL. Calli was lucky enough to have bubble gum flavoured tea, which was accompanied by a pink (of course) bubble gum ball on the side!! We also indulged in English scones with clotted cream and raspberry jam. Delicious!!

After returning from his hunting trip, we were able to spend a few hours with Adam before his flight home. We had lunch with a few friends SUnday morning, before driving Adam up to the airport. It was short and sweet, and because Marin slept through most of it, I'm not sure she understood what happened! One minute he was there...and then next he was gone!

I considered applying for this job...but something just wasn't sitting right. Hmmmm! I never could put my finger on it.

We had a nice visit with Oma one afternoon. Calli knows where the cookie cupboard is at Oma's house, so she tends to help herself when we are there. She probably won't have to tell Marin twice...
Marin was telling a very animated story here. All about puppies and rice cakes I think.

After he came home from the hunting trip, we got to have a nice dinner with Opa, and Oma. Calli was much more receptive towards Opa this visit. Oma had the dinner table all set and our places were laid out, but Calli asked for her spot to be changed so she could sit beside Opa!! Quite the feat!
Marin did well too, and even gave Opa a kiss, despite his prickly facial hair! I'm pretty sure Opa was tickled with both of the girls!

We managed to have a quick visit with Theresa, Todd and Diondra the night before we left. Calli and D drew a million pictures while Theresa and I relaxed with a nice glass of wine! Marin wandered around with a felt (lid on) and mimicked the cat. Theresa put some music on and this was the result. I think Ozzy Osbourne would be proud!

D put her Halloween costume on and the girls gave us a little dancing show!

I was worried about the girls on the plane from WL to Vancouver, because of their colds. Calli is good at chewing gum or yawning to pop her ears, but Marin hasn't figured out the whole yawning thing. She just thinks it's funny when I try teaching her. Luckily, they didn't have any problem at all. I, on the other hand, have never felt so much pain in my life!! Well...maybe... My whole eye socket was stinging and I even produced tears! I wasn't crying, but my eye was telling me I should have been! It was horrible.
The kids just played with their toys and with the magazines, barf bags and safety features cards for the whole hour we were on the plane.

Here's Calli on the shuttle bus, on the way to the main terminal! She looked so grown up!

We managed the 5 hour flight home with no problems. Calli was a bit bored, as I was limited in my movements with Marin asleep on my lap. She almost slept for the entire flight!! It turned out that she was carrying a fever. I thought the plane was hot... Anyhow, we arrived safe and sound, just in time to prepare for Halloween!!

After returning from his hunting trip, we were able to spend a few hours with Adam before his flight home. We had lunch with a few friends SUnday morning, before driving Adam up to the airport. It was short and sweet, and because Marin slept through most of it, I'm not sure she understood what happened! One minute he was there...and then next he was gone!

I considered applying for this job...but something just wasn't sitting right. Hmmmm! I never could put my finger on it.

We had a nice visit with Oma one afternoon. Calli knows where the cookie cupboard is at Oma's house, so she tends to help herself when we are there. She probably won't have to tell Marin twice...
Marin was telling a very animated story here. All about puppies and rice cakes I think.

After he came home from the hunting trip, we got to have a nice dinner with Opa, and Oma. Calli was much more receptive towards Opa this visit. Oma had the dinner table all set and our places were laid out, but Calli asked for her spot to be changed so she could sit beside Opa!! Quite the feat!
Marin did well too, and even gave Opa a kiss, despite his prickly facial hair! I'm pretty sure Opa was tickled with both of the girls!

We managed to have a quick visit with Theresa, Todd and Diondra the night before we left. Calli and D drew a million pictures while Theresa and I relaxed with a nice glass of wine! Marin wandered around with a felt (lid on) and mimicked the cat. Theresa put some music on and this was the result. I think Ozzy Osbourne would be proud!

D put her Halloween costume on and the girls gave us a little dancing show!

I was worried about the girls on the plane from WL to Vancouver, because of their colds. Calli is good at chewing gum or yawning to pop her ears, but Marin hasn't figured out the whole yawning thing. She just thinks it's funny when I try teaching her. Luckily, they didn't have any problem at all. I, on the other hand, have never felt so much pain in my life!! Well...maybe... My whole eye socket was stinging and I even produced tears! I wasn't crying, but my eye was telling me I should have been! It was horrible.
The kids just played with their toys and with the magazines, barf bags and safety features cards for the whole hour we were on the plane.

Here's Calli on the shuttle bus, on the way to the main terminal! She looked so grown up!

We managed the 5 hour flight home with no problems. Calli was a bit bored, as I was limited in my movements with Marin asleep on my lap. She almost slept for the entire flight!! It turned out that she was carrying a fever. I thought the plane was hot... Anyhow, we arrived safe and sound, just in time to prepare for Halloween!!