BC Stuff
After making Thanksgiving cookies at school, Calli was itching to make cookies with Granny, and had told her on the phone that she would show her how to make them when we came to visit. We searched for the perfect recipe, and once it was decided they got to work making them. Calli is great at making up imaginary measurements, so it was lucky we DID have a recipe to follow!
Checking to make sure the stuff wasn't burning in the pot!

Marin was the Foreman as usual! She was eating the "breakfast" cookie Granny brought her fromTim Hortons.

Granny took us all out to see the buffalo at the farm. Calli was really looking forward to seeing them, and promptly fell asleep on the way out there. It was impossible to wake her up once we arrived, so she missed them.

Marin, on the other hand, barked at them from the truck.

The next day, we asked Calli if she wanted to go see the buffalo again, and she informed us she had seen the pictures I took, so there was no need to physically see them. That settled that!!

Colourful Cariboo Leaves

The view the buffalo get from their field!

We decided to go out for a drive a a few days ago to have a look at the fall colours and see if we could find any deer. This is the road down to the famous Rudy Johnson bridge. The bridge crosses the Fraser River. Sometimes it is possible to observe the Natives catching fish from the river with their giant dip nets!

The Mighty Fraser River looking up towards Quesnel. (Although, it didn't look that mighty...it seems there isn't much water flowing right now. Enough to know I wouldn't like to go for a swim!!)

A trestle bridge near Soda Creek. This bridge is the 3rd tallest railway bridge in North America. As far as I know.

Looking down river towards Williams Lake.

We didn't see as many deer as we had hoped, but were entertained by a whole field of cows "moo-ing" at us! It was quite a chorus, as each one seemed to have a different "voice?"
The colours of fall are different out here than at home, but they were worth the drive! Thanks Granny!
Checking to make sure the stuff wasn't burning in the pot!

Marin was the Foreman as usual! She was eating the "breakfast" cookie Granny brought her fromTim Hortons.

Granny took us all out to see the buffalo at the farm. Calli was really looking forward to seeing them, and promptly fell asleep on the way out there. It was impossible to wake her up once we arrived, so she missed them.

Marin, on the other hand, barked at them from the truck.

The next day, we asked Calli if she wanted to go see the buffalo again, and she informed us she had seen the pictures I took, so there was no need to physically see them. That settled that!!

Colourful Cariboo Leaves

The view the buffalo get from their field!

We decided to go out for a drive a a few days ago to have a look at the fall colours and see if we could find any deer. This is the road down to the famous Rudy Johnson bridge. The bridge crosses the Fraser River. Sometimes it is possible to observe the Natives catching fish from the river with their giant dip nets!

The Mighty Fraser River looking up towards Quesnel. (Although, it didn't look that mighty...it seems there isn't much water flowing right now. Enough to know I wouldn't like to go for a swim!!)

A trestle bridge near Soda Creek. This bridge is the 3rd tallest railway bridge in North America. As far as I know.

Looking down river towards Williams Lake.

We didn't see as many deer as we had hoped, but were entertained by a whole field of cows "moo-ing" at us! It was quite a chorus, as each one seemed to have a different "voice?"
The colours of fall are different out here than at home, but they were worth the drive! Thanks Granny!