I'm SO thankful

Just when I thought it couldn't possibly be any more beautiful...I see ONE more beautiful group of trees. It seems some of the maple leaves don't change colour all at once, so it is possible to see some trees with half red/half yellow leaves or even half green/half red leaves!! I knew fall was going to be a spectacular on this side of the country, but my expectations have been exceeded. I had seen pictures and had heard second hand tales of the splendors of a Quebec fall, but this is truly something my eyes will never forget.

Marin enjoying the fall air.

We were invited to Thanksgiving dinner in Kingston at Kevin and Chelseas new house. Colin made the trek from Toronto and we were joined by some friends of Kevin and Chelsea's. We were treated to a full on organic feast! We began with a bowl of borscht, then feasted on turkey (naturally), mashed potatoes, stuffing, roasted garlic and veggies, beans and red peppers and 2 amazing salads that Christina had prepared. For dessert, Chelsea had prepared a gingerbread cake, which we ate along with our coffee, sweetened by maple syrup (of course!!) Thankfully, this was followed by an incredible pumpkin/squash pie that Kevin made. I say thankfully, because it isn't so often that a person is allowed to have 2 desserts in ONE evening! We were spoiled.
Here is Marin touring around the new house! She's got it all figured out!

Ivan, Christina and their son, Richard left shortly before we began Dance Dance Revolution. This is a great "game" where you dance on a mat, hooked up to a computer or gaming system and are required to stay in sync' with arrows that show up on a tv screen. The idea is to move your feet to the beat of the music, either up, down, right or left, but following the arrows moving up your tv screen. Once you place your foot correctly on the right spot on the mat, at the right time, you are awarded points for your "skill!!" I think my explanation doesn't really do the game much justice.
Colin and I got into the game after everyone else ditched us. We danced our little hearts out! Did you ever see that Friends episode where Ross and Monica win a spot dancing at the New Years Party? Apparently, we were being compared to Ross and Monica...behind our backs. I am not ashamed! I had fun!! Oh, and the benefit of being the photographer is that I took these photos of the competition!! You'll see that Calli was a competitor! She didn't really get the gist of the game, but she took part anyhow!
Calli and Auntie Chelsea cutting rug.

Calli showing her Dad a trick or two!

Uncle Colin and Calli in the heat of the competition.

Uncle Colin spent a little time trying to teach Marin a few things on the keyboard, but she was more interested in pressing the control buttons and changing the sound!!

A few of us went for a walk before dinner to a nearby park, where we found this monument of Sir John A MacDonald.

Kingston is a lovely place! We visited it once before when I was 7 months pregnant with Calli! Four years later and I like it just as much now as I did then! Imagine that!
A gorgeous old house I saw during our walk.

Colin and I saw this building and read the sign below. We commented on how nice it was of Captain George Taylor Richardson to do such a nice thing for the people of Kingston! Although...the building is a public washroom! I wonder if the Cap'n knew that!?

As we were driving home, we stopped for gas at this station...They were nearly giving the gas away! It was nice to fill up for $40, instead of the usual $75!!!

Thanks to Kevin and Chelsea for their hospitality and excellent cooking skills! We'll most certainly do it again soon!
Thanks for another tour of an amzing city in the east. I am starting to feel like I have seen all of Canada (between you and Captain Blog). I would not mind seeing more of "The Rock", could you work on that! hahaha
I forgot to mention how amazing the maple leaves look... LOVE THEM!!