A is for Age:
Thirty two…This year is the first year where I’ve actually looked in the mirror and decided I look older. Sometimes, I’m not sure who is looking back at me.
B is for booze of choice:
I am always up for a nice glass of wine (or more). I LOVE dark, tasty beer, or beer mixed with Sprite, Kahlua and milk, a caesar or my new favourite, Sortilege, which is whiskey with maple syrup!! All in one bottle!
C is for career:
I never really thought about having a “career.” I had my cards read several years ago and the lady told me I would probably never really settle down to one job. And look at me now!
I’m thirsty for knowledge and I like doing so many things…I’m not sure I could ever settle to one j-o-b. ( I’ll stick to being a Mom though – I love that!!)
D is for dog:
We’ve been talking about getting a dog lately. I always had a dog while I was growing up. Once we bought our first house, we considered getting a dog, but our kids came first. We wanted to be able to devote plenty of time to both and weren’t quite ready for that. Now…we are closer, but we travel too much.
E is for essential items I use/love everyday:
My toothbrush. I LOVE having clean teeth. My camera, I never leave home without it. My huge cup of English tea, and the 2 Granny Smith apples I enjoy every evening. I also have a necklace collection and am rarely seen without one on.
F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:
I am into the whole Metric scene right now, as well as Imogen Heap, Don’t Cry Out by Shiny Toy Guns, Downtown by Peaches, I’m Shakin’ by Rooney…I love music. It’s hard to pick just one song.
G is for favorite games:
I love crib. I haven’t played it in a long time though. I used to play it almost every night when I worked up in the logging camp in GP. I’m always up for a good game…
H is for hometown:
WL is my hometown. It’s funny how you hate the town you are from when you are a teenager, but once you get older, you realize how much it has to offer and how it always feels like home once you drive past the ’50!!
I is for instruments:
I played the piano and the clarinet when I was growing up! I had a piano teacher when we lived in Chetwynd, who had a Schnauzer dog. I used to hate that dog. It would always lay on my feet and I swear it purposely rubbed itself (privates) on my feet. Disgusting…still…22 years later…
J is for jam or jelly:
Ooh, this is a tough call. I’m a picky jam eater. I LOVE raspberry jam, but I’m not a fan of anything with big chunks of fruit in it, like blueberry or strawberry. I don’t like apricot jam either. Adam’s Grandma used to make raspberry jelly for me when I was in the midst of a Crohn’s flare-up!! I wasn’t allowed to have any type of nuts or seeds, so she would eliminate the problem for me!
K is for kids:
Yes. I have two lovely daughters! Calli will be 4 in a few more months and Marin just turned 1 in August! They are my at home entertainment. I love seeing the world through my childrens eyes. I am a lucky soul!
L is for last kiss:
My last kiss was from my girls when I put them to bed tonight! Normally, it would have been from my husband, but he left for work earlier…
M is for most admired trait:
I think it’s my sense of humour. I love that I can make people laugh.
N is for name of your crush:
I don’t have one at the moment. My husband is my crush, if I must have one!!
O is for overnight hospital stays:
The last time I “slept” in a hospital was when I have birth to Marin. I hardly slept…she was a newborn and was most interested in snuggling and making sure I was there all the time!
P is for Phobias:
I don’t really like being in the dark outside. I don’t like deep water. I don’t like swimming in lakes. And I’m scared of baby snatchers. I’m probably overly cautious about that one. Everyone looks suspicious to me.
Q is for quotes I like:
I can’t remember things like that. That’s why I have lots of books and a journal, so I can cut out quotes and stick them in my journal to remember them. I do think “Mean People Suck” is one of my all time favourites. It seems immature, but it’s so true if you think about it!
R is for biggest regret:
I have no regrets. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for a reason. I think things over before I do them. I think very hard…I might even over-think before I do something. But I’d rather be certain I did the right thing, than have any regrets to hang over my head for the rest of my days. That would just be stupid.
S is for sweets of your choice :
I think chocolate and Nibs are my sweets of choice. I only like certain types of chocolate though. I do not like dark chocolate or chocolate with fruit flavouring or syrup in it. Why mess with good chocolate?
T is for time you wake up:
I wake up when Marin cries for me, or when Calli comes in and wakes me up.
U is for underwear:
With all the cute styles out right now, it’s hard not to get excited about underwear!!
V is for vegetables you love:
We’ve been on broccoli overload lately… I love kale, beets, cabbage, zucchini…I love every veggie except leeks. I hate leeks.
W is for worst habit:
Rolling my eyes. It’s a doozie. It makes people feel like a piece of shit, which makes me look like a piece of shit.
X is for x-rays you've had:
Stomach, back, chest, feet. Lots of abdominal x-rays. LOTS!
Y is for yummy food you make:
I make a mean spaghetti sauce, orzo and veggie salad, quinoa salad, baked chicken, smashed potatoes, broccoli…
Z is for zodiac sign:
I’m a Virgo. I’m SUCH a Virgo. I am a Virgo to a fault! Analytical, organized, sensitive… That’s me!
you are my blogging guru
JMac - You're too kind! hee hee!
It was great to read about you, and learn some new things, and nod along at others. I haven't forgotten what a great mango salsa you make too.
Later Skater