Rice Cake Bandit

Marin is in love with rice cakes. And smoothies... Every morning she gets her own cup of smoothie and downs it within 2 minutes or less, then makes a huge fuss because the cup is empty. I usually have enough to give her another fill up, but I need to have something really exciting prepared once she's done her 2nd helping, to prevent any further smoothie meltdowns!!
As for the rice cakes, I usually give the girls a little snack while I'm making supper. Yesterday I gave them each one large rice cake. Marin sat on the living room rug and ate it. She fussed a little once she was done, then walked over to the pantry, opened the door, reached inside and handed me the bag of rice cakes!!! Just like that!! I couldn't believe my eyes! I laughed and laughed!!
Today, she was playing in the living room and suddenly appeared in the kitchen and was opening the pantry door again. Sure enough, she handed me the bag of rice cakes! Apparently, she wanted a snack! She even said her version of Please..."Puh. Puh." Who could possibly resist that cute little mug!
And because my friends always complain of never seeing any pics of me...

Calli had free reign on the camera the other night, and this is the best I could give her. If I look tired, tough or disheveled, it's because of the hike we did that day!! Or it could be because I'm a Mom!! Hee hee!
It's nice to "see" you in front of the lens!