Wild Flowers
We spent the morning folding the largest heap of laundry ever created in this house. The girls had a great time playing in it, but it dwindled quickly. I still don't really understand how laundry can get so out of hand...Although, I suppose Calli changing her outfit 3 or 4 times a day doesn't help. She always seems to put the discarded outfit into the laundry basket instead of folding it and returning it to her dresser. I guess I'm going to have to re-teach her that lesson.
Later, after a battle with Calli about eating her lunch, we decided to break up our inside day with a walk. There is a trail we've been driving by, and I've wondered where it ends up, so we went exploring. The trail ended up being part of a bike trail that runs throughout our town. It's just up ahead on the right...

Please note the horrible condition of the road here. This is not out of the ordinary. Most of the roads we've been on in Quebec so far are just like this. I bet mechanics make a killing on new shocks in this province!!
Calli LOVED the trail because the whole path was lined with various wild flowers. My girl will take any opportunity possible to pick a flower.

As I said before, she is obsessed with weddings right now, so she likes to pick flowers and "play petals." (Her term for scattering petals/flowers along the imaginary aisle.) She also sneaks flowers into the house and puts them in her water cup beside her bed as a vase! Lovely.
Today was the same. She picked a whole posie of flowers and decided she was a bridesmaid. She finally managed to trick her Dad into being part of the wedding with her, as you'll see from the photos. We are constantly having the conversation with her about why it is inappropriate for her to marry her Dad...but she suckered him into being part of the bridal party today. Her line??? "Dad, my flowers are tired. Can you hold them please?"

Adam managed to find some very tall grass to stand beside. We've driven by fields of this stuff, where it seems it's just regular grass, but seeing it today, we realize it's a tall, tall field!!

Marin enjoyed her walk and pointed out the many squirrels we saw on our street. She stayed awake for the majority of the walk, falling asleep about 3 minutes from home. Because she fought off her crib for her afternoon nap, I decided it would be best to leave her in the stroller in the garage for a bit.

This actually gave us a great window for more house organization. We have completed 2.5 levels of the house and rearranged lost/misplaced items/furniture etc. Tomorrow we'll set to work on the remainder of our office, then into the basement for my sewing/craft/scrapbooking room and the toy room. It'll be so nice to have the last of the boxes unpacked. Then we just have the painting of the interior of our house to look forward to and some new windows and the house will be done!!! Just in time for travelling!!
Later, after a battle with Calli about eating her lunch, we decided to break up our inside day with a walk. There is a trail we've been driving by, and I've wondered where it ends up, so we went exploring. The trail ended up being part of a bike trail that runs throughout our town. It's just up ahead on the right...

Please note the horrible condition of the road here. This is not out of the ordinary. Most of the roads we've been on in Quebec so far are just like this. I bet mechanics make a killing on new shocks in this province!!
Calli LOVED the trail because the whole path was lined with various wild flowers. My girl will take any opportunity possible to pick a flower.

As I said before, she is obsessed with weddings right now, so she likes to pick flowers and "play petals." (Her term for scattering petals/flowers along the imaginary aisle.) She also sneaks flowers into the house and puts them in her water cup beside her bed as a vase! Lovely.
Today was the same. She picked a whole posie of flowers and decided she was a bridesmaid. She finally managed to trick her Dad into being part of the wedding with her, as you'll see from the photos. We are constantly having the conversation with her about why it is inappropriate for her to marry her Dad...but she suckered him into being part of the bridal party today. Her line??? "Dad, my flowers are tired. Can you hold them please?"

Adam managed to find some very tall grass to stand beside. We've driven by fields of this stuff, where it seems it's just regular grass, but seeing it today, we realize it's a tall, tall field!!

Marin enjoyed her walk and pointed out the many squirrels we saw on our street. She stayed awake for the majority of the walk, falling asleep about 3 minutes from home. Because she fought off her crib for her afternoon nap, I decided it would be best to leave her in the stroller in the garage for a bit.

This actually gave us a great window for more house organization. We have completed 2.5 levels of the house and rearranged lost/misplaced items/furniture etc. Tomorrow we'll set to work on the remainder of our office, then into the basement for my sewing/craft/scrapbooking room and the toy room. It'll be so nice to have the last of the boxes unpacked. Then we just have the painting of the interior of our house to look forward to and some new windows and the house will be done!!! Just in time for travelling!!