
It was raining like the sky was falling in today. I somehow managed to talk Adam into going for a walk, so we packed up the kids, threw the rain cover over their stroller and off we went. Adam sulked with his travel mug in his hand all the way down the street. I wanted to go one way, he wanted to go another (or home), so we both fell into our stubborn ways and he went his way...and I went mine.
Half way along my trail I decided to just turn around and head home. At the turn onto my road (I would be making a left turn), a burgundy coloured car was waiting to turn left onto the main road. A black car pulled up behind him and was turning right, so I chose to wait until both cars were gone to avoid puddles, confusion etc. Turns out, I should have just kept walking. The burgundy car thought I was waiting for him or that I was trying to cross the road in front of him (I assume he thought he was in the bike path and I couldn't safely cross the street), and decided to back up to give me more room to pass in front of him. He was on his cell phone and I gestured for him to go, but he put the car in reverse and smashed into the black car behind him. He never even looked to see if anyone was there. The girl in the black car was also on her cell phone. I noticed she had a cracked bumper, which was from the trailer hitch on the burgundy station wagon. I just turned the stroller towards home and walked on by.
Adam arrived home shortly thereafter, asking why I didn't go the way he went. I asked him the same question. We never pursued it any further!! He had promised Calli he'd let her jump in puddles once we got home. She had a blast!

I told you it was raining hard! Look at how deep the water is!

After lunch, they built a birdhouse together. Notice Calli's look of concentration!?? She was doing a great job.

I really should proof read before I hit publish!